Tag: Quantum research

FAU researcher Ludwig Nützel combines the traditional card game of Schafkopf and quantum physics. He has now spiced the game up a little with his new version that introduces elements from the field of quantum physics into the trick-taking game.

A team of laser physicists at FAU has now succeeded in demonstrating the first nanophotonic electron accelerator – at the same time as colleagues from Stanford University. The researchers from FAU have now published their findings in the journal “Nature”.

The Chair of Applied Physics is one of the longest standing of its kind in Germany and is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year. The Chair is organizing an international symposium to mark the special occasion. In our interview, Prof. Dr. Heiko B. Weber looks back at the history of the institute and looks forward to the next 75 years.

The communication of the future is to become more secure with the help of light particles. This is the goal of the QuNET initiative by the BMBF. The initiative's partners have now taken an important step toward quantum-safe networks: With a key experiment.

As part of the Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) initiative, the Free State of Bavaria is supporting six outstanding doctoral students with doctoral fellowships of around 200,000 euros each in their research in the field of quantum science – two of the internationally selected top talents will be conducting research at FAU in the future.