FAU’s Student Records Office
Your point of contact
The Student Records Office in Erlangen is your point of contact for any questions about your studies.
Data for all of the University’s students is managed there. If any of your details change (e.g. name change), you must inform the Student Records Office as soon as possible. Students can update their address online via the IdM portal.
During office hours, the staff of the Student Records Office will be happy to help you with a wide range of topics.

The Student Records Office can help with questions about the following:
- Enrolment
- Re-registration
- De-registration (Online-request directly here or via campo.fau.de > My Studies > Requests)
- Application for reimbursement of semester fees
- Leave and regulations on study leave (request for leave (German), regulations on leave from studies)
- Application to change degree programme
- Studying for two degrees
- Guest students and mature students
- Health insurance for students (German) and insurance certificate
- Reporting accidents
- Issuing confirmation of duration of studies
- Change of name or identity (e.g. after marriage or change of identity)
- Semester ticket – further information and Exemption from the requirement to purchase the basic ticket (German)
Student Records Office – Studierendenverwaltung
91058 Erlangen
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-71224
- Email: studentrecordsoffice@fau.de
Please always state your student registration or application number whenever you contact us by phone or in writing.