Studium Philosophicum

Studium Philosophicum (orientation studies)

Module studies

The „Studium Philosophicum“ is an orientation program that enables prospective students to get to know various subjects from the broad spectrum of the faculty. Modules from almost 30 subjects and the corresponding lectures, seminars, exercises and other courses can be taken according to individual interest. The courses belong to regular Bachelor’s degree programs. If examinations are taken there, then these achievements can be credited later in a regular course of study. During the Studium Philosophicum, students have full student status.

What is the degree program about?

For prospective students, the Studium Philosophicum offers the opportunity to get to know the different contents of the many subjects of the Faculty of Philosophy and the Department of Theology and to arrive at the university without pressure to perform.

The Studium Philosophicum serves as an initial orientation for prospective students and provides an overview of the range of subjects offered at the Faculty of Philosophy and the Department of Theology. Ideally, the enthusiasm for one or two of the selected subjects comes and one simply sticks with it – and if not, the frustration is not too great, because an orientation study is there to ‚try it out‘. The semester (or the year in the case of an extension) is not ‚lost‘ at all.

All subjects that are NC-free and do not require a pre-registration can be studied. This means all Bachelor’s programs except Psychology, Japanese Studies and Cultural Geography. With nearly 30 possible majors from the humanities, social sciences, and religion-related disciplines, there is guaranteed to be something for everyone!

Here is an overview of the subjects:
Participants of the Studium Philosophicum are regularly enrolled students in the sense of the Bavarian Higher Education Act. However, there is no entitlement to support according to the BAföG.

Do you need help or more information?

Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.