
Spanish (Teaching degree)

Grammar school

Do you want to become a high school teacher and pass on your enthusiasm for the Spanish language to students? The study of Spanish for teaching offers you the perfect education for this! Immerse yourself in the world of Spanish language, culture and literature and acquire comprehensive knowledge in subject didactics and pedagogy.

What is the degree program about?

In the study of subject-specific science, the primary aim is to acquire knowledge in the various sub-areas of Spanish (linguistics, literature and cultural studies). The teaching degree program is therefore largely the same as the Bachelor’s program. The areas of subject didactics and educational sciences are added.

The scientific study of language, literature and culture is of great importance (about 50% of the course).
Practical language skills are taught in separate courses (grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, translation, etc.).
There is a reduced scientific training, a more in-depth language practical training as well as subject didactic and educational science study components.

FAU - Moving Knowledge
2 Minuten Wissen Phil - Warum können Worte verletzen?

Do you need help or more information?

Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.