Psychology (M.Sc.)

Psychology is an exciting and multifaceted empirical science that studies human experience and behavior. All relevant internal and external causes and conditions are observed and described. The study of psychology is interdisciplinary and combines aspects from the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. The master’s program in psychology offers in-depth training in scientific and methodological knowledge as well as practical professional and research qualifications. It enables you to work independently as a psychologist in research and application.
- Degree
- Master of Science
- Duration of studies in semester
- 4
- Start of degree program
- Summer semester, Winter semester
- Study location
- Erlangen
- Number of students
- 150-250
- Subject group
- Language and Cultural Studies
- Teaching language
- completely in German
- Admission Requirements
- Qualification assessment
- Keywords
- Psychology
What is the degree program about?
Psychology is an empirical science in which one observes and describes the experience and behavior of human beings, their development in the course of life and all the internal and external causes and conditions that are decisive for this.
The study is interdisciplinary – so it contains parts from the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. Psychology is an empirical science, i.e. information, data and experiences are systematically collected through scientific methods such as experiments, measurements, surveys or observations. Using these data about experience and behavior, theories about mental structure and functioning are developed and tested.
The master’s degree program in psychology provides in-depth scientific and methodological knowledge as well as in-depth practical professional and research qualifications. It qualifies you for independent work as a psychologist in research and application.
On the one hand, the master’s degree program offers the opportunity to gain broad qualifications in different areas of psychology, but on the other hand, it allows you to develop a personal profile by focusing on one of the following three areas:
- Occupational Health Psychology
- Legal psychology
- Biobehavioral health
- Psychology of aging
The supplementary area (formerly: minor) offers another possibility for individual emphasis. Here, students can choose between a number of subjects from other scientific disciplines, e.g. biology, gerontology, human biology, forensic psychiatry, computer science, linguistic computer science, economics/economics, philosophy, physiology, psychosomatics. Alternatively, modules from the elective program of the M.Sc. Psychology can be brought in.
Study contents:
- Multivariate Statistics
- Research methods
- Psychological Diagnostics
- Cognition, motivation & social processes
- Developmental psychopathology
- Work, health, prevention
- Social relations in working life
- Personnel and profession
- Clinical psychology
- Scientific foundations and specialization in legal psychology
- Basics of Biobehavioral Health
- Stress Biology
- Hormones and Behavior
- Basics of Aging Psychology and Cognitive and Emotional Aging
- Basics and Methods of Psychogerontological Intervention
- Project work
- External internship
- Master thesis
At the Institute of Psychology it is possible to study in the Master of Science without an emphasis or to specialize (determined by the examination registration under the elective area of the chosen emphasis or without an emphasis in the registration system).
- Occupational Health Psychology
- Legal Psychology
- Biobehavioral Health
- Psychology of Aging
The DGPs has awarded us the seal of quality for the B.Sc. Psychology degree program. The seal documents that our degree program meets the demanding criteria for a good education in psychology. The seal is also intended to facilitate the work of accreditation commissions, which have to decide on questions of quality and comparability of degree programs. The Erlangen Institute thus joins the ranks of equally distinguished institutes at other German universities (overview and further details on the seal).
The degree program prepares students for managerial and independent work in selected professional fields (health and social services, education, science, administration, industry, law). In addition, the choice of specialization allows you to design your studies in such a way that the prerequisites for further postgraduate education in the field of psychology, especially for psychotherapy training, can be attained. In addition, graduates with a Master’s degree will also have the opportunity to pursue a doctorate. Students who began their Bachelor’s degree course before the 2020/21 winter semester on a full-time or part-time basis can obtain the prerequisite for the „old“ postgraduate training to become a psychological psychotherapist upon graduation. However, the postgraduate training must be completed by 31.08.2032.
- Admission requirements (first semester)
- Qualification assessment
- Application deadline winter semester
- Application deadline summer semester
- Content-related admission requirements
Relevant Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) with above-average success
Language skills
- German language skills for international applicants
- DSH 2 or equivalent
- Details and notes
Students can only begin their studies (1st semester) in the winter semester.
It is also possible to apply for a higher semester in the winter semester (3rd semester only) and in the summer semester (2nd and 4th semesters only).
The final application deadline for the winter semester has not yet been set.
Do you need help or more information?
Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.