
Logopaedics (B.Sc.)

Are you interested in working with people of all ages? You are interested in voice, speech and swallowing function? Do you think that communicating is important for people?

Then our speech therapy degree program is just right for you!

In a course of study leading to professional qualification as a speech therapist, you will learn all the theoretical subjects of speech therapy and related sciences (e.g. psychology, linguistics, medicine, audiology…) and learn to diagnose, treat and counsel patients in practice. The scientific competence is always connected with the practical competence.

Through the connection to the medical faculty and the university hospital, we offer you an optimal study environment.

What is the degree program about?

It is true that speech therapists help children break the habit of lisping, but that is not all. Speech therapists diagnose, treat and advise on speech, language, voice, swallowing and communication disorders in people of all ages.

They work in the health care sector and belong to the professional group of non-physician medical professions. As employees in hospitals, specialized and rehabilitation clinics, in logopedic and medical practices, and in special facilities for speech-impaired, hearing-impaired, or developmentally disabled children, they work independently and on their own responsibility. Increasingly, freelancers are joining forces with other health care providers such as physicians, occupational and physical therapists, and massage therapists to form interdisciplinary affiliates.

In addition, academically trained speech therapists are increasingly finding jobs in teaching, science and research as demand increases. This also involves the evaluation and development of diagnostic procedures and therapy concepts. In addition to sound logopedic knowledge, scientific work is an important factor.

The course of study in speech therapy leading to a Bachelor of Science degree is the first state program of its kind in Bavaria. The program includes a basic and orientation phase of two semesters and a bachelor phase of five semesters. After the sixth semester, you take the state examination. You can then call yourself a „state-approved speech therapist“. You will graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree after the seventh semester.

Bewerbung für zulassungsfreie Studiengänge
FAU - Moving Knowledge

Do you need help or more information?

Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.