Lehramt an Gymnasien

Lehramt an Gymnasien (Teaching degree)

Are you thinking about becoming a teacher and accompanying pupils on their journey? In the teacher training program for Gymnasium, you will become an expert in your chosen subjects and learn how to prepare students for their future studies.

Find out about the structure of the teacher training program and convince yourself of the advantages of studying at FAU.

What is the degree program about?

The teaching degree program is the first step on the way to becoming a teacher. It is a scientific course of studies that prepares you professionally and theoretically for the various aspects of your later professional life.

As a teacher at Gymnasium, you will later mainly teach your two chosen subjects, which is why the focus during your studies is on these two subjects.

Compared to the other teaching degree programs, the scientific content of your subjects is deepened the most here. The specialized knowledge that you will be taught at the university in these subjects is broad, based on current findings and significantly more complex than you are familiar with from school. As a person with a high level of expertise in your subject, you will be able to stand confidently in front of your future students and respond to more complex questions.

Below you will see in more details which sub-areas you can expect in your studies.

The program also prepares you for the First State Examination (Staatsexamen), which concludes the program. After the studies, the preparatory service follows, also called Referendariat. There you will be prepared practically for your work as a teacher.

FAU - Moving Knowledge

Do you need help or more information?

Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.