Integrated Life Sciences: Biology, Biomathematics and Biophysics

Integrated Life Sciences: Biology, Biomathematics and Biophysics (B.Sc.)

With the unique Integrated Life Sciences: Biology, Biomathematics, Biophysics degree program, you’ll gain not only biological expertise, but also mathematical and physical knowledge critical to modern biological research. Explore the intersections of biology, microscopy, bioinformatics, systems biology, biophysics, and structural biology, bringing together the best of all the sciences.

What is the degree program about?

Are you interested in biology, but at the same time have an aptitude for mathematics and/or physics? Then the interdisciplinary degree program „Integrated Life Sciences – Biology, Biomathematics and Biophysics“ (ILS) offers you a unique degree program in Germany: An education at the intersection of biology, mathematics and biophysics.

How does the function of cells depend on their composition, structure and dynamics? What is the function of cellular proteins, their sequence or the biological membranes of the cell? How can proteins be designed in the laboratory or on the computer? These and other questions can only be investigated with the help of the revolutionary developments in biological research in recent years. However, the innovations in biology also require more and more understanding of other scientific disciplines. For example, the huge amounts of data from DNA sequencing projects can only be analyzed using sophisticated mathematical algorithms to study the evolution of cells or organisms. New optical methods in physics also make it possible to track biological macromolecules, for example in cell biology – from their formation, through their path through the cell, to their actual target structures. Finally, the structure and function of individual macromolecules can be studied in simulations on the computer.

These are just a few examples that show that modern biology no longer requires classical biological knowledge alone. Rather, the life sciences today encompass the entire range of mathematics and the natural sciences in order to be able to quantitatively record and process biological processes. The ILS degree program is designed to provide you with the necessary subject-specific basic knowledge of biology, mathematics and physics. In so-called „integrated“ modules specially designed for the course, you will also acquire interdisciplinary content with interfaces to biology, such as microscopy and optics, bioinformatics and systems biology, biophysics and structural biology. This enables you to understand the language of the other natural sciences and to apply your knowledge in interdisciplinary fields of work.

Bewerbung für zulassungsfreie Studiengänge
FAU - Moving Knowledge

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