
Geosciences (M.Sc.)

Geology, Mineralogy, Palaeontology

Geoscience is a modern and diverse science that deals with sustainable solutions to current challenges facing Earth and our society.
At the GeoCentre we research, among other things, the:

  • Causes and consequences of climate change
  • Securing and sustainable use of resources (e.g. metallic raw materials, water)
  • Development and optimisation of materials (e.g. CO2-reduced cements)
  • Geodynamics and evolution of our planet (e.g. volcanism)
  • Research into sustainable geothermal energy sources (e.g. deep geothermal energy)

In research, geoscientists work with highly specialised and high-resolution chemical, biological and physical laboratory and field analysis. Therefore, the geosciences are a very diverse branch of science in which there are constantly new research findings and methodological developments.
Geoscientists deal with the interrelationships and interactions of the Earth system and the structure, evolutionary history, as well as current and future state of our planet Earth and its habitats. All geoscientific processes of the Earth system in the lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere are examined. This includes all geological, chemical, physical and biological procedures and processes that have taken place and are currently taking place from the formation of the Earth to its present appearance.
Current issues and important scientific areas are research into raw material deposits (metals, oil, natural gas), geothermal energy, natural disasters (volcanoes, earthquakes), climate impact research, the development of new materials (CO2-neutral cements, high-performance ceramics, bone substitutes) and engineering geological and hydrogeological issues (e.g. subsoil investigations, slope analyses, geophysics). e.g. subsoil investigations, landslides, designation of water protection areas, investigations of the water cycle), as well as the investigation of past and present ecosystems (climate archives, biodiversity, reaction of organisms and ecosystems to environmental influences).

What is the degree program about?

The Master’s programme in Geosciences begins in the winter semester and consists of four semesters. In the first three semesters, in-depth knowledge is taught in the chosen fields of study. This includes, for example, field exercises and laboratory methods. In a key qualification module, you can already complete an internship in a company or a research institute. In terms of content, the Master’s programme in Geosciences builds on the Bachelor’s programme in Geosciences. The aim of the Master’s programme is to provide in-depth geoscientific methods and knowledge as well as research-qualifying scientific working methods. The Master’s programme is research-oriented and its content is based on the research foci of the Erlangen Geosciences:

  • Causes and consequences of climate change
  • Securing and sustainable use of resources (e.g. metallic raw materials, water)
  • Development and optimisation of materials (e.g. CO2-reduced cements)
  • Geodynamics and evolution of our planet (e.g. volcanism)

Do you need help or more information?

Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.