
Geography (Teaching degree)

Elementary school, middle school, secondary school, grammar school

The study of geography for a teaching degree, and thus also school geography, deals with diverse social developments and natural processes. Although the study contents are determined by the Ministry of Education, students can choose between seminars of regional geography, terrain seminars and much more in the so-called „free area“. Geography didactics teaches knowledge transfer appropriate for students. Through various student internships and cooperations, students have a great practical relevance.

What is the degree program about?

The goal of the teaching degree program is clear: you want to teach geography at a school after graduation. Therefore, in addition to the subject science, these courses include subject didactics and educational sciences. Geography can be chosen as a subject for teaching at Gymnasiums (LAGY), Realschulen (LARS), Mittelschulen (LAMS) and Grundschulen (LAGS).

In the study of the specialist science, the aim is to acquire knowledge in the various sub-fields of geography. The course of study is therefore largely the same as that of the bachelor’s programs in physical geography and cultural geography.

Geographie  - Was ist Klimaforschung?
Geographie - Wie entstehen unterschiedliche Stadtviertel?
Geographie an der FAU

Do you need help or more information?

Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.