FAU international teaching certificate (additional studies)
FAU international teaching certificate (additional studies) (Additional studies)

The additional studies are aimed at all teacher training students at FAU (all types of schools, all subject combinations) who wish to gain an international profile and additional qualifications over and above the obligatory/regular content of their degree program.
- Degree
- Certificate (Additional studies)
- Duration of studies in semester
- 2
- Start of degree program
- Summer semester, Winter semester
- Study location
- Erlangen, Nuremberg
- Number of students
- 1-50
- Subject group
- Teaching Degree
- Teaching language
- German or English
- Admission Requirements
- Free
- Keywords
- International, Teaching Degree
What is the degree program about?
During the program, students gain subject-related and interdisciplinary skills concerning the international and intercultural dimension of education in a globalized world going beyond the basic qualifications pursuant to the Examination Regulations for Teaching Degree Programs I (LPO I). This provides them with the expertise they need to work in classes with children from different cultures who speak different languages or in multicultural and multilingual classrooms. The certificate tailors your profile towards international affairs, (virtual) exchange projects, school partnerships and international school development processes and can prepare you for taking on special tasks at schools. With this certificate, you are particularly well qualified for teaching at schools with an international and intercultural profile that implement strategies for education in a globalized world within the framework of their school development plan. In addition, the skills graduates acquire also open up options for specializing in Master’s degree programs in education with the profile “international education” (MA Empirical Educational Research and MA Education at FAU).
Students taking the FAU international teaching certificate (additional studies) choose three of four modules:
- ZS M1: International and European perspectives in subject knowledge, teaching methodology and educational science Students learn about and reflect on international and intercultural perspectives in subject knowledge, teaching methodology and educational science.
- ZS M2: Multilingualism and professionalism of educators. Students take a language course to improve their own skills in a foreign language and reflect during mentoring on dealing with multilingualism in education and raising children.
- ZS M3: Professionalism of educators in the context of international mobility. Students complete a stay abroad as part of their teaching degree program and reflect in preparatory and follow-up seminars on the organizational and cultural challenges involved in planning and realizing a stay abroad, also with school students.
- ZS M4: Global citizens in action. Students learn the theoretical and practical concepts of global learning and global citizenship education and assume an active role in service learning. Students can reflect on their own experience of education in an international dimension for their professional work as an educator in schools.
If you have already completed achievements of relevance to the degree program at FAU or elsewhere (in language courses, during time spent studying abroad or an internship abroad incorporating time spent preparing for and following up on it, in summer or winter schools, workshops and training courses with an international dimension etc.) that have not been counted towards other modules in your degree program, it may be possible to have them accredited towards the additional studies. For the accreditation process, it is helpful if the relevant documentation includes information on the scope (e.g. ECTS credits or hours) and the content of the (examination) achievements.
If you would like to have course and/or examination achievements recognized, please print off and complete the form Application for recognition of achievements, sign it and place the original signed copy together with the certificates for your achievements in the letterbox for the Chair.
Lehrstuhl für Pädagogik mit dem Schwerpunkt Diversity Education und internationale Bildungsforschung
Regensburger Str.160
90478 Nürnberg
Please mark the envelope: Betreff: Antrag auf Anerkennung Zertifkat FAU Lehramt International
It takes approximately two weeks to process an application. You will receive an email as soon as your application has been processed. The recognized achievements are entered in your transcript of records and can be viewed on campo. The official FAU international teaching certificate is issued after you complete the first State Examination. -
- Admission requirements (first semester)
- without admission restrictions
- Admission requirements (higher semester)
- free with restriction
- Application deadline winter semester
- Application deadline summer semester
Language skills
- German language skills for international applicants
- DSH 2 or equivalent
- General language skills
In module 2 of the additional studies FAU international teaching certificate, students should expand their language skills, with a free choice of language and level. This should also allow students to improve skills in their various native languages (e.g. acquiring written language skills or attaining an academic level in a first/second language learned at home) if applicable. A number of events, seminars and workshops are also offered in English or in an English-friendly format.
- Details and notes
You must be enrolled in a teaching degree program at FAU in order to register for the additional studies.
You can register by the first day of each lecture period. In order to register, you need to complete the form for a change of degree program (changing from teaching degree program (Lehramt) to teaching degree program plus additional studies FAU international teaching certificate (FAU Lehramt international)) and submit it via the Student Records Office. You can register by the first day of each lecture period.
We are happy to provide advice on your individual case and on having previous achievements, language courses, stays abroad and practical education-related experience (for example participation in FAU’s buddy program) recognized.
Do you need help or more information?
Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.