FAU international teaching certificate (additional studies)

FAU international teaching certificate (additional studies) (Additional studies)

The additional studies are aimed at all teacher training students at FAU (all types of schools, all subject combinations) who wish to gain an international profile and additional qualifications over and above the obligatory/regular content of their degree program.

What is the degree program about?

During the program, students gain subject-related and interdisciplinary skills concerning the international and intercultural dimension of education in a globalized world going beyond the basic qualifications pursuant to the Examination Regulations for Teaching Degree Programs I (LPO I). This provides them with the expertise they need to work in classes with children from different cultures who speak different languages or in multicultural and multilingual classrooms. The certificate tailors your profile towards international affairs, (virtual) exchange projects, school partnerships and international school development processes and can prepare you for taking on special tasks at schools. With this certificate, you are particularly well qualified for teaching at schools with an international and intercultural profile that implement strategies for education in a globalized world within the framework of their school development plan. In addition, the skills graduates acquire also open up options for specializing in Master’s degree programs in education with the profile “international education” (MA Empirical Educational Research and MA Education at FAU).

Do you need help or more information?

Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.