English (Teaching degree)

Become an expert in the English language and acquire in-depth knowledge of language, literature and cultural studies as well as subject didactics and educational science with a teaching degree in English.
- Degree
- Teaching degree
- Duration of studies in semester
- 7/9
- Start of degree program
- Winter semester
- Study location
- Erlangen, Nuremberg
- Number of students
- > 600
- Subject group
- Teaching Degree, Language and Cultural Studies
- Teaching language
- German and English
- Admission Requirements
- No Admissions Restrictions
What is the degree program about?
In addition to acquiring excellent language skills in English, the main focus is on acquiring subject-specific knowledge in linguistics, literature and (in LA GYM) cultural studies as well as subject didactics and educational science.
The teaching degree program in English can be studied either for elementary school (Grundschule), secondary school (Mittelschule or Realschule), or grammar school (Gymnasium). In its subject-related parts, the teaching degree program in English for Gymnasium (Lehramt Gymnasium) largely corresponds to the Bachelor’s program in English and American Studies; in the teaching degree program for Grundschule, Mittelschule, and Realschule (Lehramt Unterrichtsfach), the proportion of subject-related training is reduced in favor of the educational sciences.
The course of study is modularized, i.e. you must complete certain modules in the various subareas of the subject according to the requirements of the subject study and examination regulations (LAPO-English).
- good language skills, as classes are usually held in English
- an in-depth interest in the English language and the cultures of English-speaking countries (especially Great Britain, Ireland, the USA and Canada)
- the will to acquire an academic education (and not only a practical language education). This includes, among other things, a love of reading and an interest in independently acquiring areas of knowledge through reading, as well as an enjoyment of dealing with more abstract topics.
- suitability for the profession as a teacher
The program is tailored to work as a teacher of English (and other subjects) in schools and is completed with the Bavarian first state examination (Erstes Staatsexamen), which qualifies students for a traineeship. In addition, a Bachelor’s degree or, in Lehramt Gymnasium, a Master’s degree can be obtained.
Other activities may also be considered, which require academic training and a high level of linguistic competence in English as well as a sound knowledge of the English-speaking cultural area.
After the 2nd semester (at the latest after the 3rd semester), the course-related basic and orientation examination must have been taken.
Large parts of the Bavarian first state exam which completes the degree course are in German.
Under certain conditions, students in all teaching degree programs can apply for the academic degree „Bachelor“ after usually 6 semesters according to the LAPO. The type of Bachelor’s degree depends on the type of school studied and, if applicable, the choice of subject. Further information can be found on the homepage of the Center for Teacher Education (ZfL).
Subject combination possibilities:
- Admission requirements (first semester)
- No Admissions Restrictions
- Application deadline winter semester
Language skills
- German language skills for international applicants
- DSH 2 or equivalent
- General language skills
For the subject English at Gymnasium, „assured knowledge“ („gesicherte Kenntnisse“) in Latin and knowledge at level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in another modern foreign language must only be demonstrated when registering for the state examination. They can therefore also be acquired during the course of study.
- Details and notes
The application deadline for the winter semester for international applicants is July 15th.
In addition to the general qualification for university entrance (Abitur), there are other access options for studying at FAU.
Do you need help or more information?
Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.