Digital Japanese Studies

Digital Japanese Studies (M.A.)

If you are not only interested in the transformation of Japanese society with a focus on politics and media, but also in various specific aspects of digitalization in Japan, this is the degree program for you!

What is the degree program about?

This program aims to provide students with fundamental knowledge of Japan’s digital transformation, qualitative and quantitative methods and the skills required to conduct data analysis independently. We provide training to students using various exercises so that they can use specialized literature and digital primary and secondary sources confidently.

The aim of this degree program is to enable students to conduct original research and to make progress in the acquisition of scientific facts. We provide careful supervision by helping students to narrow down their research objects appropriately and select suitable theories and methods. During the supervision of final theses, we make every effort to encourage students to contribute something new to the state of research.

Social science research on Japan has become increasingly important in German-speaking countries in recent years. In addition, digital transformation is currently one of the most important topics in research worldwide. Against this backdrop, this degree program was established with the expectation that students will acquire a high level of expertise in critically analyzing the phenomenon of digital transformation and dealing with digital sources such as social media posts and electronic newspaper articles efficiently.

Do you need help or more information?

Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.