Data Science

Data Science (B.Sc.)

The bachelor’s degree program Data Science is an interdisciplinary study program that deals with the modeling, processing and analysis of data. Modern methods from mathematics, computer science, and statistics are used to extract relevant information from large amounts of data.

What is the degree program about?

We live in the age of digitization with all its benefits but also its own problems. We defend our opinions on social media with heart and soul, rate the vacation photos of our fellow human beings, and consume digital content via the streaming service we trust. In the process, we leave a distinct digital footprint in the form of data. It is estimated that the entire human race currently generates a data volume of several zettabytes (that’s a one with 21 zeros!) per year. Not every bit and every click is relevant, but technological miracles can be performed based on the amount of our personal data collected, but they also raise questions:

  • How does Google know what I’m about to search for?
  • Why do I always end up with more items in my Amazon shopping cart than I originally wanted to buy?
  • How can Spotify gauge my musical tastes so well?
  • Why does fake news often spread faster than the truth?
  • How can Deep Learning teach a computer to beat the world champion in Go?
  • A few years ago, „Big Data“ was on everyone’s lips. The value of data was weighed up against that of gold, and the initial hype triggered a veritable gold-digging frenzy in the technology industry.

Nowadays, it is no longer about collecting as much data as possible, but rather about analyzing this data in a clever way and drawing the right conclusions from it. Big Data“ quickly became the term „Smart Data“. And this is precisely where the newly founded „Data Science“ degree program at FAU comes in:

It represents a key discipline for the digital age at the interface between mathematics and computer science and other disciplines such as natural sciences, engineering, economics, and information sciences. The goal of this bachelor’s degree program is to provide a solid foundational and advanced education in both mathematics and computer science with a strong focus on the requirements of future Data Scientists. In addition, an application subject is taken in which one can put one’s acquired knowledge to the test, such as physics, business informatics, biology or medical technology.

During your studies you will learn:

  • how to categorize and abstract structured and unstructured data sources.
  • which mathematical methods can be used to model and analyze data.
  • how predictions for the future can be calculated from data.
  • what the consequences are for decision making.
  • how to store and manage large amounts of data efficiently.
  • how data can be used for artificial intelligence training.

The standard period of study for the bachelor’s degree program is six semesters, with one semester in the second or third year of study specifically set aside for the possibility of a semester abroad, such as an ERASMUS semester at another European university.

FAU - Moving Knowledge

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