Theater in Schools

Theater in Schools (Teaching degree)

Supplementary teaching program (Lehramt) for Grundschule, Mittelschule, Realschule and Gymnasium

The supplementary teaching program (Lehramt) “Theater in Schools” opens up new opportunities for teachers to inspire and encourage their students in the classroom. This is because the subject “Theater in Schools” goes beyond the boundaries of conventional teaching and offers students the chance to develop their creativity and personality.

What is the degree program about?

“Theater in Schools” is not a stand-alone degree program, it is a supplementary program for teaching degree programs (for Grundschule, Mittelschule, Realschule, Gymnasium, and FOS/BOS). This means that it is only open to students of teaching degree programs (Lehramt) as a third subject in addition to their other two chosen subjects.

Due to the emergence of new teaching concepts including methods such as open learning and project work, theater is an important part of education today.

In addition, theater in schools can be understood as a form of cultural practice. Examining the performative practices of children and young people based on cultural and educational theory enables current changes in the cultural-social reality of everyday life (e.g. globalization, transculturality, (post-)digitalization) to be reflected upon in school theater in terms of their relevance as transformation mechanisms of cultural-social practice and to shape them aesthetically.

Due to the close involvement of the degree program “Theater in Schools” with the Chair of Educational Science with a focus on culture and aesthetic practice, current research findings, such as those from research on the (post-)digital cultural world of young people, are incorporated into the theory and practice of the seminars. Students gain extensive insights into cultural and educational theory that extends beyond the theater into school and teaching in general.

“Theater in Schools” is run by the Department of Education at the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology at FAU in collaboration with Theater and Media Studies. The number of places is limited to 20. Admission is only possible in the winter semester.

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