Communications and Multimedia Engineering (CME)

Communications and Multimedia Engineering (CME) (M.Sc.)

The challenging Master’s degree program Communications and Multimedia Engineering combines a strong foundation in the fields of communication systems, advanced multimedia technologies, and digital signal processing with cutting-edge research topics. The program prepares you perfectly for a career in the communications and multimedia industries and all related fields that use embedded information technologies (e.g., automotive, energy systems, medical technologies).

What is the degree program about?

The CME Master’s degree program is meticulously designed to equip you with a comprehensive understanding of communication systems, advanced multimedia technologies, and digital signal processing.

Through a balanced blend of lectures, tutorials, lab courses and hands-on projects, you will delve deep into various topics related to the field.

Courses on fundamentals such as information theory and statistical signal processing will prepare you well to explore 6G communication networks, THz, optical and nano-scale communications, machine learning for communications and multimedia, XR/AR/VR and metaverse technologies, high-end video and audio coding schemes, speech, audio and music processing, and much more.

Learn from distinguished professors and industry experts who are committed to nurturing your talents and guiding you towards success in your chosen career path.

Collaborations between world-class faculty at FAU and the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits (IIS), which is the home of mp3, with their excellent expertise on audio, video and communications as well as the International Audio Laboratories (AudioLabs) hosted both by IIS and FAU offer unique opportunities to learn, research and work.

CME also provides intensive language courses in German for students who do not have advanced German language skills when they join the program.

Find out more about our Master’s degree program on the CME website.

Do you need help or more information?

Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.