
Chemistry (B.Sc.)

The bachelor’s degree program in Chemistry is offered in German only.

What is the degree program about?

The chemistry degree program is particularly characterized due to the varied mix of lectures and practical work in the laboratory. You will deal with the classical disciplines of inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry as well as theoretical and computational chemistry. In this way, you will get a good overview of the interrelationships in chemistry and its neighboring disciplines. The theory you learn in lectures and seminars is supplemented and deepened by extensive practical work in research laboratories. This gives you an early insight into basic and application-oriented chemical research. You will learn to formulate scientific questions and to work scientifically on your own. The chemistry degree program offers more than just technical knowledge of substance properties and transformations. In a whole range of key qualifications, you will also acquire the ability to communicate specialist content and to help develop interdisciplinary problem-solving strategies in research teams.

Chemie und Molecular Science
Bewerbung für zulassungsfreie Studiengänge

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