
Biology (Teaching degree)

Elementary school, middle school, secondary school, grammar school

Studying biology for a teaching degree program (Lehramt) gives you a comprehensive overview of all biology-related topics in order to allow you to spark your pupils’ enthusiasm for biology. The degree program covers plant and animal biology, microbiology, genetics, biochemistry, human biology, ecology and field trips.

What is the degree program about?

During the teaching degree program, you gain a comprehensive overview of all biological issues and areas of knowledge that will later enable you to pass on your fascination for biology to your pupils. Unlike the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs, the subject-specific content of the program is largely prescribed by the Bavarian Ministry of Education. In addition to the biology of plants and animals and an introduction to microbiology, genetics and biochemistry, you will also learn about human biology (the evolution and biology of human beings) and ecology (biological relationships in different habitats), unlike students in the Bachelor’s degree program. The program also includes the option to take part in several field trips. These can give you inspiration for how to teach biology outdoors.

As a biology teacher, you will not just need to know your subject but also how to teach, and therefore the program includes a teaching methodology component tailored to teaching and learning biology. For example, you will learn about the educational value of biology, how to teach pupils to think and work in a way that is appropriate for the natural sciences, which teaching methods are appropriate in which cases, the curricular framework for teaching biology, and how to plan successful biology lessons.

Detailed information about teaching degree programs and the different types of schools is available on our information page for teaching degree programs.

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