Social Media Address Book
FAU’s social media channels
Social media channels are used by many people, institutions and departments at FAU. This page provides an overview of the channels.
Is your channel missing from this list? Just write an e-mail to the Web Team.
- Bavarian Research Center for Interreligious Discourses | @BafidFAU
- Department of Materials Science
- FAU School of Business, Economics and Society (WiSo) | @fau.wiso
- Innovation in Learning Institute | @lerninnovation
- Institute of Political Science | @PolitischeWissenschaftFAU
- Institute of Theatre and Media Studies | @itm.erlangen
- Law at FAU | @juraanderfau
- Art History | @kunstgeschichte.erlangen
- Chair of Corporate Sustainability Management | @NachhaltigkeitsmanagementFAU
- Chair of Latin Philology of the Middle Ages and Modern Times | @Mittellatein
- Information Systems I / Innovation & Value Creation | @innovationresearch
- Students’ Representatives Erlangen-Nuremberg | @StuveFAU
- FSI English Studies and American Studies | @FAU.FSI.AngAm
- FSI Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering | @fsiCBI
- FSI German Language and Literature
- FSI History | @FSIGeschichteFAU
- FSI Art History | @fsikunstgeschichtefau
- FSI Teaching Degrees on FAU Campus Nuremberg | @fsi.lehramt
- FSI Medical Engineering FAU | @FSIMedizintechnikErlangen
- FSI Business and Economics | @fsi.oekonomie
- FSI Chinese Studies | @fsi.sinologie.fau
- FSI Sport | @fachschaftsport.unierlangen
- FSI Theology | @FsiTheoEr
- FSI Information Systems | @fsi.mechatronik
- FSV Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology | @FSVPhil.Erlangen
- Queer Working Group FAU Students’ Representatives | @RefQueer.FAU
- FAU Antique and Classical Collection | @antikensammlung.erlangen
- FAU’s Botanical Garden | @botanischergartenerlangen
- FAU Digital Tech Academy | @dtafau
- Green Office | @greenofficefau
- International Office at the School of Business, Economics and Society (WiSo) | @ib_fau_wiso
- Bamberg Observatory/ FAU’s Astronomical Institute | @drremeis
- Rechenzentrum | @rrze_erlangen
- Rechenzentrum Azubis | @rrze_erlangen_azubi
- Zollhof Tech Incubator | @zollhofhq
- FAU Shallow Geothermal Working Group | @shallowgeothermal
- Centre for Human Rights (CHREN) | @humanrights_fau
- Department of Digital Humanities and Social Studies | @dhss_fau
- Department of Islamic-Religious Studies (DIRS) | @FAU fau_dirs
- Department of Materials Science at FAU | @materialsscience_fau
- Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics (ECAP) | @ecap_fau
- School of Business, Economics and Society (WiSo) | @fauwiso
- Geozentrum Nordbayern | @geozentrumnordbayern
- Institute for Biomedicine of Aging | @iba_nuernberg
- Institute of Geography | @fau.geo
- ICLU Erlangen-Nuremberg | @iclu_fau
- Innovation in Learning Institute at FAU | @lerninnovation
- Confucius Institute Nürnberg-Erlangen | @kongzi_nue
- Chair of Digital Industrial Service Systems at FAU | @ismamachair
- Chair of Modern and Contemporary History at FAU | @lsngzgfau
- Chair of Latin Philology of the Middle Ages and Modern Times | @mittellatein
- Chair of Middle East Politics and Society
- Faculty of Sciences at FAU | @fau.nat
- Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology | @fau.phil
- Professorship for Music Education | @musikpaedagogik_fau
- FAU ‘International Teaching Degree Project’ | @fau.teachedinter
- Roman Boat | @roemerbootfau
- PERLE Skills Lab at FAU | @skillslab_perle
- Master of Marketing Management degree programme for professional development| @mvm.fau
- Technical Vocational Education and Training degree programme | @berufspaedagogik_technik
- Integrated Immunology degree programme | @iimmunefau
- Art History (Bachelor) degree programme | @bachelor.fau.kunstgeschichte
- Art History (Master) degree programme | @master.fau.kunstgeschichte
- Lexicography degree programme | @emlexmundus
- Media, Ethics and Religion degree programme | @medienethikreligion
- Chinese Studies degree programme | @sinofau
- Sociology degree programme | @erlangersoziologie
- Standards of Decision-Making Across Cultures degree programme | @sdac_fau
- Business Education degree programme | @wirtschaftspaedagogik
- FAU Students’ Representatives | @stuvefau
- FSI English Studies and American Studies | @fsi.angam.erlangen
- FSI Archaeology | @fsi_archaeologie
- FSI Biology | @fsi_bio_erlangen
- FSI Book Studies | @fsibuwi
- FSI Chemical and Biological Engineering, Life Science Engineering, Chemical and Energy Technology | @fsicbilsecenente
- FSI Chemistry and Molecular Science | @fsichemiemowi
- FSI Digital Humanities | @fsi_digihums
- FSI German Language and Literature | @fsi.germanistik
- FSI History | @fau.geschichte
- FSI Geography | @fsigeo_erlangen
- FSI Geosciences | @fsigeozentrumerlangen
- FSI International Production Engineering and Management | @fsi_ip
- FSI Law | @fsi.jura.fau
- FSI Medicine | @fsi_kanuele
- FSI Art History | @fsikunstgeschichtefau
- FSI Latin/Greek | @fsi_latein_griechisch
- FSI Teaching Degrees | @fsi_lehramt_nbg
- FSI Logopaedics | @fachschaft_logo_fau
- FSI Mechanical Engineering | @fsimaschinenbau
- FSI Mathematics/Physics | @fsi.mathe.physik.ds
- FSI Mechatronics | @fsi.mechatronik
- FSI Medical Engineering | @medtechklaus
- FSI Business and Economics | @fsi.oekonomie
- FSI Oriental Studies | @fsi.orientalistik
- FSI Education | @fsi_paedagogik_fau
- FSI Pharmacy/Food Chemistry | @pharmazie.erlangen
- FSI Philosophy | @fsi.philosophie
- FSI Political Science | @fsi.politik
- FSI Psychology | @fsipsychologiefau
- FSI Romance Studies | @fsi.romanistik
- FSI Sociology | @soziologiefau
- FSI Theology | @fsi_theologie_erlangen
- FSI Theatre and Media Studies | @fsi_thewi_mewi
- FSI Information Systems/International Information Systems | @fsi_winf_iis
- FSI Industrial Engineering and Management | @fsi_wing
- FSI WiSo (School of Business, Economics and Society) | @fsiwiso
- FSI Dentistry | @die_fachschaft
- FSV Faculty of Medicine | @fsvmedfau
- FSV Faculty of Sciences | @fsv.nat.fau
- FSV Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology | @fsvphilfak
- FSV Faculty of Business, Economics, and Law | @fau.fsv.rewi
- FSV Faculty of Engineering | @faufsvtech
- Doctoral Candidates’ Representatives | @proko_fau
- Students’ Representatives of the International Degree Programmes at the School of Business, Economics and Society | @intwiso
- Students’ Representatives/Queer Working Group | @referatqueerfau
- Existency Start-Up Programme | @existencyofficial
- S-International / Central Office for International Affairs | @uni_fau_internationalaffairs
- Self-Access Language Learning Centre | @fau_sprachen
- Student Service Centre (SSC) for Materials Science and Engineering | @alexandra.haase2019
- SSC for Law (Teaching and Studying Service Unit) | @jura_an_der_fau
- FAU Degree Programme Ambassadors | @fragdiestudis.fau
- Student Services Erlangen-Nuremberg | @mensa.erlangen
- Adrian Meier (Assistant Professor) | @admeierlab
- Aida Boukhris (research associate @Wi1tter) | @aidaboukhris
- Andreas Harth (Prof. Dr. Institute of Information Systems) | @aharth
- Alessandro Del Vecchio (Asst. Prof. in Neuromuscular Physiology and Neural Interfacing) | @AlecsDelVecchio
- Alexander Kruska (political scientist) | @akruska
- Amir Abbas Yousefi Amin (doctoral candidate) | @Amir_Abbass
- Andreas Mense (post-doc in social policy) | @amensee
- Andreas Ziegler (doctoral candidate) | @rupran_de
- Anita Bröllochs (Life Science Engineering) | @AnitaBroellochs
- Aysun Capci (@Tsogoeva_Group alumna) | @CapciAysun
- Axel Krommer | @mediendidaktik_
- Bjoern Eskofier (Head of Machine Learning and Data Analytics Lab) | @BjoernEskofier
- Camilo Vasquez (ML researcher at the Pattern Recognition Lab) | @jcvasquezc1
- Carola Tortora (PhD candidate) | @carola_tortora
- Christian Baccarella (researcher in innovation and technology management) | @baccito
- Christine Binzel (Professor of Economics) | @christinebinzel
- Christian Rückert | @CybercrimeFAU
- Clemens Risi (Institut Theater & Medien) | @giurament2
- Dario Zanca (Post-Doc) | @dariozanca
- Daniel Holler (research associate) | @dan_hllr
- Daniel Stromer (doctoral candidate at the Pattern Recognition Lab) | @daniel_stromer
- David Dulin (Junior Group Leader) | @Dulin_Lab
- Davis Farías-Barahona (doctoral candidate) | @DavidFariasB
- Dirk Riehle (Open Source Software) | @dirkriehle
- Dominik Lungerich (doctoral candidate) | @DLungerich
- Erik Bitzek (physicist & material scientist) | @atomicbits
- Ezzat El-Sherif (Group Leader at the Division of Developmental Biology) | @ezzatelsherif
- Enrique Zuazua (FAU Ambassador) | @ZuazuaEnrique
- Elisa Melo (M.A Human Rights) | @elisavfmelo
- Elisabeth Hoppe-Preuhs (Pattern Recognition Lab) | @elisabeth_h1992
- Falk Brauer (aktiv @StuveFAU) | @BraueFal
- FAU AAG (Prof. Dr. Fred Krueger, Dr. Alexandra Titz and 8 MA students attending the Annual American Geographers’ Meeting in Chicago) | @FAUAAG
- florian.scheler (part time researcher @Ctfmlab) | @FlorianScheler
- George Luca (Postdoc @FAUWiSo) | @GunneschLuca
- Guldi Group (Designing, devising, synthesizing, and testing novel nanometer scale structures) | @GroupGuldi
- Hari Suman Naik (Information Systems 1) | @innovateathome
- Helen Hölzel (doctoral candidate) | @HelenHoelzel
- Human Rights & Migration Law | @team_farahat
- Irene Cornacchia (postdoc) | @irenegeoscience
- Jacky C. (Astroparticle Physics) | @Schackii_C
- Jacqueline Klusik (Digital Humanities coordinator) | @KlusikEckert
- Joachim Hornegger | @Hornegger
- John Bessant (FAU Ambassador) | @johnbessant
- Julia Kornmann (International Business student) | @juelkorn
- Julian Boha (Post-Doc @wi1tter) | @JulianBoha
- Jochen Weinzierl (Head of Department of Strategic Planning) | @JochenWeinzierl
- Katerina Maxouti (Project Manager) | @MaxoutiKaterina
- Kathrin Moeslein | @moeslein
- Kenneth De Baets (Geozentrum NordBayern) | @djbirddanerd
- Liliana Liverani (Biomedical engineer, researcher at the Institute of Biomaterials) | @LiveraniLiliana
- Louisa Kulke (Assistant professor for Neurocognitive Development) | @Lou_Kulke
- Lukas Maier (Chair of Industrial Management) | @LukMaier
- Manami Sasaki (Professor of Multilength Astronomy) | @ManamiSasakiDE
- Manuel Steinbauer (Palaeontology, Biogeography & Ecology professor) | @ManuSteinbauer
- Markus Krajewski (Public International Law) | @KrajewskiMarkus
- Martin Hundhausen | @M_Hundhausen
- Martin Meinel (researcher in Creativity and Innovation Management) | @MeinelMartin
- Martin Zwickel (Jura) | @martin_zwickel
- Matthias Braun (assistant professor) | @brau_matt
- Matthias Fifka (Head of the Institute of Business and Economics) | @MatthiasFifka
- Matthias Raß (management researcher) | @midnightmatt
- Max Schuster (PhD student) | @SchuMaxScience
- Michaela Kramer (Lecturer in Media Studies) | @mm_kramer
- Dr. Mischa Kläber (Lecturer on teaching assignment) | @M_Klaeber
- Ming Khan (MS student at @PalaeoFAU) | @Ming_tfk27
- Nicola Gasparini (researcher on solar energy) | @Nicolagaspa
- Nicolas Rohleder (Chair of Health Psychology) | @BioHealthPsyFAU
- Nikolay Harutyunyan (doctoral candidate) | @harnick
- Nussaibah Raja (doctoral candidate) | @mauritiantales
- Patrick Krauss (post doc) | @Krauss_PK
- Paulina Nätscher (Palaeobiology student) | @palaeolina
- Pavlina Kröckel (post doc) | @pkroeckel
- Peter Dabrock (Chair of Systematic Theology II) | @just_ethics
- Peter Bell (Professor of Digital Humanities) | @Peter_Bell77
- Rachel Warnock (Palaeobiologist, Professor) | @rachelwarnock
- Research group of Beate Winner | @WinnerLab
- Sascha Julian Oks (researcher in digitization and industry 4.0) | @SoxMc
- Sandra Jeleazcov | @SandraJ58125734
- SandoghdarLab (Prof. Vahid Sandoghdar, Department of Physics) | @SandoghdarLab
- Sebastian Engel (WTT) | @seb_engel
- Sebastian Möller (Computational Linguistics student) | @ProjektCl
- Silvia Budday | @SilviaBudday
- Simon Hammann (assistant professor, analytical food chemist) | @Simon_Hammann
- Stephan Achenbach (Department of Cardiology) | @Steph_Achenbach
- Steven Hämmerich (Department of Physics, Dr. Karl-Remeis Observatory, Bamberg) | @S_Haemmerich
- Svenja Hagenhoff (Book Studies) | @SvenjaHagenhoff
- Sven Laumer (Information Systems) | @svenlaumer
- Svetlana Tsogoeva | @Tsogoeva_Group
- Tanja Manninger (doctoral candidate) | @ManningerTanja
- Tanja Jovanovic (Head of Technology and Innovation Management) | @tanjajovano
- Thomas Demmelhuber (Political Science, Middle East) | @t_demmelhuber
- Tobias Wolbring (Professor of Empirical Economic Sociology) | @TobiasWolbring
- Tykwinski Research Group | @TykwinskiGroup
- Vanessa Roden (GeoZentrum Nordbayern) | @VanessaJBeta
- Vasily Zaburdaev (Professor of Mathematics) | @VasilyZaburdaev
- Verena Utikal (behavioural economist) | @verenautikal
- Veronika Grimm (WiSo) | @GrimmVeronika
- Vincent Christlein (researcher at Pattern Recognition Lab) | @v_christlein
- The Vogel Lab | @VogelLab
- Wolfgang Kiessling | @kiessl
- Dr. Andreas Hamper (Alumnus) | @ahamper
- Amandeep Sonewane (Alumnus) | @aman_sonewane
- Benjamin Bauer (Alumnus) | @benjabo
- Claus Schäfer (Alumnus) | @storydoxs
- Dr. Kurt Höller (Alumnus) | @Hoeller
- Laura Achtelstetter (Alumna) | @Laura8tel
- Senator Ilyas Ali Hassan (Alumnus) | @IlyasAliHassan
- Timm Wagner (Innovation Hub Adidas, Alumnus) | @TimmWag
- Computer Science Bachelor’s degree programme/IT security | @Bc_IT_Security
- Bavarian Research Centre for Interreligious Discourse (BaFID) | @BaFID_FAU
- BioHealthPsych-NR | @BioHealthPsyFAU
- CTFM lab (Chemistry of Thin Film Materials) | @CtfmLab
- Department of Materials Science and Engineering (FAU) | @DeptWW_FAU
- digiDEM Bayern (dementia research project of FAU, Universitätsklinikum Erlangen and Medical Valley) | @digidem_bayern
- ECAP (Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics) | @ecap_fau
- Subject-related language for Law at FAU | @jurasprachen
- FAU – Faculty of Engineering | @TF_UNI_Erlangen
- FAU School of Business, Economics and Society (WiSo) | @FAUWiSo
- FAUResearchChallenge | @fau_orc
- FBZHL (University-level teaching research and qualifications for teaching staff) | @FBZHL
- Geozentrum Nordbayern | @norbayern
- Gerontology (MSc) FAU | @geronto_FAU
- HydroGeology GeoZentrum Nordbayern | @HydroGeol_GZN
- IdeeInnovation (Assistant professorship for idea and innovation management) | @IdeeInnovation
- Institute of Prehistory and Protohistory, Erlangen | @ufg_erlangen
- Institute of Biomaterials FAU | @Boccaccini_Lab
- IS Group DISS (Information Systems – Chair of Digital Industrial Service Systems, Prof. Dr. Martin Matzner) | @ismama
- IZdigital – FAU | @IZdigitalFAU
- Chair of East European History | @osteuropaFAU
- Palliative Medicine at Universitätsklinikum | @PM_UK_ER
- MA Standards of Decision-Making Across Cultures | @sdac_fau
- MaD Lab (Machine Learning and Data Analytics Lab) | @FAU_MaD_Lab
- Media Ethics Religion | @ChristliPublizi
- Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology Forum (PhilFak) | @PhilFakForum
- Resolution of Inflammation (interdisciplinary research project) | @crc1181
- RIIA: de las Américas/in the Americas | @RIIA_EDU
- TERSANE (DFG-funded Research Unit) | @RU_TERSANE
- Information Systems 1 | @wi1tter
- ZAG Erlangen (Centre for Applied History) | @ZAGerlangen
- Center for Applied Philosophy of Science and Key Qualifications (ZiWiS) | @ZiWiS_FAU
- FAU Students’ Representatives | @StuveFAU
- Aydan Eda Şimşek (Political Science and Sociology student) | @aydanedas
- Felix Dreissig (Computer Science student) | @F30
- FAU History | @FsiGeschichte
- FSI CE (Computational Engineering Student Association) | @FSICE_Erlangen
- FAU Liberal University Group | @lhg_er_nue