Text modules for applications
Templates for applications (e.g. DFG applications)
The relevant offices at the University Administration have drawn up templates for giving information on interdisciplinary topics in funding applications. The following links will open CRIS (the FAU research information system).
- Gender equality measures and diversity management
- Promoting early career researchers
- Knowledge transfer and public relations
- Research data management
- Sustainability
The templates can be used when completing the relevant sections of applications for funding, in particular DFG collaborative applications (e.g. CRCs, Transregios, Research Training Groups). The texts may be modified if necessary. The templates are intended to be a general guide for what information can be given regarding the above topics.
The templates have been saved in English and German in the Current Research Information System CRIS. They can be found by clicking on ‘Research Projects’ and selecting the option ‘Text modules’. Alternatively, you can click directly on the links above.
If you have any questions about the content of the templates please contact the person stated in the templates directly.