F³G consortium
What is the F³G?
The “research consortia for promoting equality at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg” (F³G) are an alliance of various collaborative research projects at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg and Universitätsklinikum Erlangen. As well as encouraging collaboration between the groups, the objective of the alliance is to ensure that funds for promoting equality are used correctly and for the purpose set out in the guidelines.
Funding is provided for a wide range of measures aimed at improving equal opportunities, balancing research and family, encouraging female students to study STEM subjects, increasing the proportion of women in collaborative research projects, and supporting the careers of female researchers who are at an early stage in their career.
As well as the jointly planned measures, F³G also offers a platform for sharing experiences with individual measures as well as the option of working together to explore and launch new, far-reaching measures together.
F³G strives to implement a number of further innovative measures in close partnership with relevant institutions at FAU and Universitätsklinikum Erlangen, in particular the Office of Equality and Diversity and the Family Service.
Further information on F³G is available in the flyer FAU research consortia for promoting gender equality.
Measures for balancing family and an academic career
- Ensuring a certain number of places in day care centers, kindergartens and after school facilities
- Childcare and conference service
- Emergency care
- (Mobile) parent-child rooms in various locations
- Working stations for working from home
- Assistants or technical assistants to support research during times spent on maternity and/or parental leave
- Holiday childcare and workshops
Measures for career development and raising awareness
- Women in Science symposium
- Workshop program for female early career researchers
- Individual coaching
Girls in STEM – encouraging girls to get involved in science – until 2024
- KinderUni (university for kids)
- STEM activities offered during FAU holiday club
- Collaboration with schools
F³G workshop program 2025
All F³G events are held in English. Register via the form below. Registration is open only for researchers active in F³G research cooperations.
January 28, 29, 30 and 31, 2025 (Tuesday to Friday) from 9 am to 12:15 pm each day
Online via Zoom
Your trainer is Deborah Bennett
Deadline for registrations via the link below is January 16th 2025. For registration, we need the identification of your research cooperation, normally a combination of letters and numbers. If you are not sure, please contact the coordinator of your research cooperation.
Why does it matter?
Clear and compelling research articles are essential for a career in science.
Contents and impact
Successful science writing tells a story! You will learn about:
- basic elements of story structure and how to use them to construct the different article sections
- section structure: presenting issues, arguments and conclusions in a coherent way
- writing sentences with precision and clarity.
The insights and strategies you will gain from this workshop will provide you with the practical tools you need to develop and improve your scientific writing in the future.
February 21, 2025 (Friday) from 9 am to 5 pm
In person, Erlangen
Your trainer is Francesca Carlin
Deadline for registrations via the link below is January 23, 2025. For registration, we need the identification of your research cooperation, normally a combination of letters and numbers. If you are not sure, please contact the coordinator of your research cooperation.
Why does it matter?
Resilience has been proven to help people not only succeed but also to thrive when facing obstacles and stress. Managing change, pressure and perceived failure is a challenge and can often leave us feeling low on emotional and mental resources, but thankfully resilience and grit are a set of skills and tools that can be learned and trained.
Contents and impact
This workshop focuses on identifying and building the elements that make us mentally and emotionally resistant to stress and pressure. Participants will learn skills for emotional regulation, sharpen their emotional awareness, gain techniques to reduce anxiety and stress, and understand how to use reframing strategies to turn threats into manageable challenges.
After the workshop, participants will…
- Understand the elements that make resilience.
- Be able to implement tools from cognitive behavioral coaching and positive psychology to manage stressful situations.
- Have techniques to regulate their emotions.
- Be able to utilize re-framing strategies in order to gain a new perspective and understanding of situations.
- Have tools to help them deal with perceived failure.
This workshop is designed to reach the target aims through meaningful practice, individual and group activities, theater-based exercises and exercises informed by positive psychology and cognitive behavioral coaching.
March 13 and 14, 2025 (Thursday and Friday) from 9 am to 2 pm and 9 am to 5 pm
Online via Zoom
Your trainer is Dr. Malte Engel
Deadline for registrations via the link below is January 30, 2025. For registration, we need the identification of your research cooperation, normally a combination of letters and numbers. If you are not sure, please contact the coordinator of your research cooperation.
Why does it matter?
In their thesis defense, PhD candidates have to present their research to a board of examiners and then answer critical questions. This course is designed to prepare doctoral students optimally for this situation.
Contents and impact
- Part 1: Practical tips for the introductory presentation: how to structure the presentation, how to build up the central argument, what language to use, etc.
- Part 2: Strategies to tackle problems that can occur during the discussion: various types of difficult questions
- Part 3: Practice presentations with feedback from the group and from the trainer
Participants will
- be able to give a convincing and well-structured presentation
- deal confidently with counter arguments and critical questions
- be prepared and feel confident about their thesis defense
April 8 and 9 (Tuesday and Wednesday) from 9 am to 3:30 pm and 9 am to 12 pm
Online via Zoom
Your trainer is Juliane Handschuh
Deadline for registrations via the link below is March 18, 2025.For registration, we need the identification of your research cooperation, normally a combination of letters and numbers. If you are not sure, please contact the coordinator of your research cooperation.
Why does it matter?
For a successful career in science, presentation skills are a must. In order to present your research with impact, more than just great data is needed. The audience should be picked up and carried along by the speaker.
- Adapting a presentation to the audience
- Storytelling
- Effective slide design
- Using your own body effectively
- voice
- body language
- your presence in the room
May 15 and 16, 2025 (Thursday and Friday) from 9 am to 5 pm
In person, Erlangen
Your trainer is Monika Stahl
Deadline for registrations via the link below is April 10, 2025. For registration, we need the identification of your research cooperation, normally a combination of letters and numbers. If you are not sure, please contact the coordinator of your research cooperation.
Why does it matter?
Working together with international graduates and postdocs has become part of our daily life also in universities and research organizations. Working with people from different cultures presents additional challenges and opportunities for everyone involved. Different values, communication and thought patterns can enrich the performance of a team, but often they lead to friction or even conflict.
Contents and objectives
- Success factors when working in international teams in your specific environment
- Understand how culture impacts our values and behavior
- Establish a better understanding of different cultural values and norms as well as preferred communication patterns in different regions
- Explore cultural differences in the understanding of leadership and reflect on your own expectations of the team leader
- Understand the influence culture has on daily collaboration; learn how to effectively cooperate with team members and higher levels of authority in a culturally diverse team
- Develop an awareness of the importance of building and maintaining trusting relationships
- Strengthen your intercultural communication skills, reflect on your own communication patterns and develop an awareness for cultural misunderstandings
- Develop options for dealing with difficult situations
- Discuss and develop pragmatic solutions for your specific questions
June 13, 2025 (Friday) from 9 am to 17 pm
Online via Zoom
Your trainer is Simone Freitag
Deadline for registrations via the link below is May 16, 2025. For registration, we need the identification of your research cooperation, normally a combination of letters and numbers. If you are not sure, please contact the coordinator of your research cooperation.
Why does it matter?
In preparation of the forthcoming symposium, “Women in Science”, female ECRs can equip themselves with tailored strategies to make the most of networking opportunities
Contents and objectives
- The art of academic networking: which networks truly matter and how to strategically build and nurture professional connections
- Innovative approaches for effective networking at conferences and meetings
- How to use digital platforms, including social media and research networks, to maintain and expand your professional circle
- Strategies that amplify your presence in research, teaching, and academic networks.
We will address the unique challenges faced by women in science, but more importantly, we will uncover the possibilities to increase your impact and recognition in the field. Throughout the workshop, you’ll gain hands-on experience, share insights with peers, and acquire practical skills that you can immediately apply to your career.
This interactive workshop is designed not just to impart knowledge, but to build a supportive community where experiences and ideas can be freely exchanged. Join to unlock your networking potential and elevate your presence in the scientific community!
July 8, 2025 (Tuesday) from 9 am to 4 pm
Online via Zoom
Your trainer is Isabel Werle
Deadline for registrations via the link below is May 16, 2025. For registration, we need the identification of your research cooperation, normally a combination of letters and numbers. If you are not sure, please contact the coordinator of your research cooperation.
Why does it matter?
Constructive feedback is an essential tool when it comes to effectively and successfully cooperating in or leading teams in science!
- Potentials and impact of feedback
- Giving constructive feedback with the W3-strategy
- Feedback simulation
- Feedback in line with personalities (Riemann-Thomann model)
- Professionally accepting feedback
- Fostering a team culture conducive to feedback
September 25 and 26, 2025 (Thursday and Friday) from 13 pm to 5 pm and from 9 am to 1 pm
Online via Zoom
Your trainer is Betty Boden
Deadline for registrations via the link below is August 14, 2025. For registration, we need the identification of your research cooperation, normally a combination of letters and numbers. If you are not sure, please contact the coordinator of your research cooperation.
Why does it matter?
As a female scientist, it is of utmost importance to identify one’s style of leadership and to successfully put it into action.
- My understanding of leadership – how do I lead?
- Identifying my professional values and their impact on my daily work as a team leader
- Roles and tasks as a leader
- Leadership at three levels: technical, relational and personal competencies
- The phases of team development and my respective role as a leader
- Communicating horizontally in a competitive environment
November 5 and 6, 2025 (Wednesday and Thursday) from 9 am to 1 pm each day
Online via Zoom
Your trainer is Dr. Daniel Friedrich
Deadline for registrations via the link below is September 24, 2025. In case you are not sure about the identification of your research cooperation, please contact your coordinator.
Why does it matter?
Ph.D. students and postdocs need to advance their research while also managing many other tasks, like teaching, supervising, or doing admin work. Project management skills and competencies in time management are indispensable for productive progress.
Contents and impact
- Project management
- Goal setting
- Milestone planning & progress monitoring
- Agile planning
- Time management
- Saying no and defending boundaries
- Routines for highly focused work
- Pragmatism & perfectionism
This workshop helps you to build the required skills
- to make optimal use of your available time
- and to make efficient progress towards your goals.
You will
- learn key project planning techniques and apply them to your research project
- understand how to stick to your priorities in the face of conflicting demands
- how to set up routines for highly focused work
- and how to become less perfectionist and more pragmatic.
Selecting methods that work well for you will be a focus as well as discussing how to sustainably transfer them to your work context.
- Project management
- Goal setting
- Milestone planning & progress monitoring
- Agile planning
- Time management
- Saying no and defending boundaries
- Routines for highly focused work
- Pragmatism & perfectionism
November 25 and 26, 2025 (Tuesday and Wednesday) from 10 am to 2 pm
Online via Zoom
Your trainer is Dieta Kuchenbrandt
Deadline for registrations via the link below is September 14, 2025. In case you are not sure about the identification of your research cooperation, please contact your coordinator.
Why does it matter?
A successful academic career requires thorough planning. This workshop is tailored for doctoral candidates in the advanced phase (R1) and postdoctoral researchers in the early phase (approx. 1st-4th postdoc year, R2)
The aim of the seminar is, on the one hand, to provide you with a framework for reflecting on your own professional motives. On the other hand, the seminar offers knowledge, background and orientation for planning and developing the next steps towards a long-term academic career.
- Long-term career options within the academic job market
- Requirements and criteria to be met for this career path
- Tasks and their importance at a particular stage, priorities
- Importance of the habilitation
- Appropriate time frame
- Central requirements (also beyond publications and third-party funding) and milestones for an academic career
- Concrete tips and advice on both the weighting of these requirements and on strategic considerations during the postdoc phase on the path to a
Building on this, the seminar offers you the opportunity to take stock and reflect on your own academic profile and ideally derive the next important steps from this.
Workshop registration
Members of the F³G consortium
Complete list of involved research consortia
- SAOT – Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies
- EXC 315 – Engineering of Advanced Materials
- TRR 221 – Steuerung der Transplantat- gegen-Wirt- und Transplantat-gegen-Leukämie-Immunreaktionen nach allogener Stammzellentransplantation
- TRR 154 – Mathematische Modellierung, Simulation und Optimierung am Beispiel von Gasnetzwerken
- TRR 225 – Von den Grundlagen der Biofabrikation zu funktionalen Gewebemodellen
- TRR 285 – Methodenentwicklung zur mechanischen Fügbarkeit in wandlungsfähigen Prozessketten
- TRR 241 – Immune-Epithelial Communication in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
- TRR 306 – Quantenkooperativität von Licht und Materie – QuCoLiMa
- TRR 305 – Analyse der metastatischen Koloniebildung zu neuen systemischen Krebstherapien
- TRR 374 – Tubulussystem und Interstitium der Niere: (Patho-)Physiologie und Crosstalk
- SFB 1483 – EmpkinS – Empathokinästhetische Sensorik
- SFB 1452 –CLINT – Catalysis at Liquid Interfaces
- SFB 1411 – Produktgestaltung disperser Systeme
- SFB 1540 – Die Mechanik des Gehirns
- GRK 2495 – Energiekonvertierungssysteme: von Materialien zu Bauteilen
- GRK 2162 – Neurodevelopment and Vulnerability of the Central Nervous System
- RTG 2599 – Fine Tuners of the Adaptive Immune Response
- GRK 2423 – FRASCAL – Fracture across Scales
- RTG 2339 – IntComSin: Interfaces, complex structures, and singular limits in continuum mechanics– analysis and numerics (RTG 2339)
- GRK 2475 – Cyberkriminalität und forensische Informatik
- RTG 2504 – Neue antivirale Strategien: von der Chemotherapie bis zur Immunintervention
- RTG 2726 – Das Sentimentale in Literatur, Kultur und Politik
- RTG 2839 – RTG Dimensions of Constructional Space
- RTG 2861 – Planar Carbon Lattice
- RTG 2950 – SyMoCADS – Synthetic Molecular Communications Across Different Scales: From Theory to Experiments
- FOR 5134 – Erstarrungsrisse beim Laserstrahlschweißen
- FOR 5534 – Schnelle Kartierung von quantitativen MR Bio-Signaturen bei ultra-hohen Magnetfeldstärken
- FOR 2886 – PANDORA – Pathways triggering Autoimmunity and Defining Onset of early Rheumatoid Arthritis
- KFO 5024– Immun-Checkpoints der Kommunikation zwischen Darm und Gehirn bei entzündlichen und neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen
- KFG 17 – Alternative Rationalitäten und esoterische Praktiken in globaler Perspektive