Highlights in the FAU calendar
There is more to a university than simply research projects, seminars and lectures. FAU organizes a large number of events to encourage its members to look beyond the boundaries of their own subjects, celebrate special occasions and engage with the general public in what goes on at the University. Here is just a sample of the many exciting events which take place at FAU. Check out coming events on our schedule of events for the whole of FAU.

Scholarship ceremony
At the beginning of the year, FAU invites sponsors and holders of the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship to attend the scholarship ceremony. During the ceremony, students are awarded their scholarship certificates.
Scholarship ceremonyFAU Music Festival
In spring, FAU organizes a concert for students, alumni, staff, and friends of the University. What’s special about this concert, is that students can make suggestions about which bands and artists should perform.
FAU Music Festival
Award ceremony for doctoral graduates and alumni
With a central award ceremony, FAU celebrates the achievements of this year’s doctoral graduates and alumni who gained their doctoral degrees at the University 15, 25 or even 50 years ago.
Awards for doctoral graduates and alumni
FAU’s Schlossgartenfest is one of the largest and most beautiful garden parties in Europe. On the last Saturday in June, the President invites students, members and friends of the University, as well as high-profile guests from politics, business and academia, to come and dance and enjoy a fantastic evening in the Schlossgarten.
Lauf gegen Krebs
Together for a good cause: The popular charity event “Lauf gegen Krebs” (race against cancer) is held in the beautiful Erlangen Schlossgarten. More than 2,000 runners, including a number of cancer patients and their relatives, take part.
Lauf gegen Krebs
Long Night of Sciences
With around 400 items on the program, FAU runs the most events of all the contributors to the Long Night of Sciences, which takes place every two years in the region.
Long Night of Sciences
FAU New students’ welcome event
To make it easier for students to settle into life at the University, FAU invites all new students to its new students’ welcome event in October. New students can gather lots of information all about university life.
New students’ welcome event
Dies academicus
Once a year on November 4, FAU celebrates the date when the University was established in 1743. This was the day that Friedrichs-Universität was founded in Erlangen by Margrave Friedrich of Brandenburg-Bayreuth. It was the third university to be established in Franconia, after the universities of Altdorf and Würzburg.
Dies academicus
FAU Awards
The FAU Awards are presented annually prior to the dies academicus to honor outstanding commitment, deserving personalities, scientific achievements and achievements in teaching during a special ceremony held by the Executive Board.
Dies academicusDates for your diary in the FAU events calendar