Categories: first-steps, Graduiertenzentrum, student-a-z
University Library
Academic work also includes reading other academic texts. The necessary media to do so (books, journals, etc.) can be found in the University Library (abbreviated as UB or Uni-Bib in German) and all branch libraries.
For further information visit the university library’s homepage.
Studying at FAU is free for international students. To finance your costs of living, you can apply for a scholarship. Several scholarship organisations offer financial support at particular stages in your studies. You can search for scholarships in the scholarship database of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
For a list of all foundations which also offer programmes/scholarships for students, please see:
Examinations at FAU
Please refer to the examination regulations for the relevant degree programme for all information concerning examinations. You will normally be given information on registering for examinations during the introductory sessions for your degree programme. Usually, you should register via the mein campus platform. The Examinations Office is always responsible for everything to do with examinations. An overview of the German grade scale is available on our website.
Semester ticket
Due to the introduction of the “Deutschlandticket” or the “Bildungsticket” for students and trainees (29 euros per month), the semester ticket does no longer exist.
All information on the “Bildungsticket” can be found on our website.
A ‘Schein’ is a certificate or official confirmation that you have successfully participated in a tutorial, a placement/internship or seminar. It is up to the lecturer to decide whether successful participation has to be demonstrated by a written examination, a presentation, a protocol or some other kind of achievement. In the modular degree programmes, ‘Scheine’ have mostly been replaced by module examinations.
ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System)
In the past, the workload of a class was expressed in weekly hours or semester hours (SWS), irrespective of whether the class was a lecture or a seminar. Today, the amount of time you spend preparing for a class is also taken into account. This means that the overall workload can be calculated which is much higher for a seminar than a lecture. The units for measuring the workload are called ECTS credits. Study achievements can be compared and transferred to another university or even to another country using ECTS credits. A Bachelor’s degree is worth 180 ECTS credits. In the calculation of the workload, 1 ECTS credit is equivalent to about 25 to 30 hours of work.
For further information visit the website of FAU.
University Sports
The University Sports programme is open to students, doctoral candidates and staff and runs a wide range of low-cost sports courses in Erlangen and Nuremberg. The programme is divided into sports classes and competitive sports with regular participation in university championships. Important note for all sports classes: please sign up online at an early point in time.
More information is available on the FAU website.
In addition, there are a number of sports clubs you can join in Erlangen.
Finding a job
To find a student job you can use the FAU student jobs portal, the jobs website of the Federal Employment Agency and other internet portals:
- FAU student jobs portal
- Federal Employment Agency
- Jobs at other universities
- Student job placements: for Erlangen and Nuremberg, Strümpellstraße 14, 91052 Erlangen, Phone +49 9131 711262 and 711333; E-mail: