Prof. Dr. Michael Tielemann, CISO
Chief Information Security Officer

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Tielemann
Department of Computer Science
Chair of Computer Science 1 (IT Security Infrastructures)
Martensstr. 3
91058 Erlangen
- Phone number: +49 9131 85 67650
- Fax number: +49 9131 85 69919
- E-mail:
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Chief Information Security Officer
Professor Dr.-Ing. Michael Tielemann is FAU’s Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and is responsible for ensuring and continuously improving information security at FAU. Information security addresses the confidentiality, availability and integrity of technical and non-technical systems on various levels. Prof. Tielemann is responsible for preventing damage, minimizing risk and protecting against hazards at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
As a central point of contact for the Executive Board, the CISO liaises with the Executive Board and exercises the powers they assign to him.
Information from the CISO for FAU staff (available to FAU staff only)Curriculum vitae
After studying computer science and gaining his doctoral degree in engineering at FAU in 1990, Prof. Tielemann accepted an invitation for a position as postdoctorate fellow and scholarship holder at the IBM Research Communication Dept. at the Zürich Lab, in Rüschlikon in Switzerland. As a project manager in the European RACE NEMESYS project, he was responsible for the side experiment called “Virtual Path Bandwidth Manager for ATM Networks”.
In 1991, he returned to Franconia and became lead software engineer at an international manufacturer of communication devices, where he was responsible for knowledge based configuration and diagnostic systems. Three years after that, he moved to an IT service provider in Nuremberg, where he quickly assumed responsibility for setting up approved qualified certification services with provider accreditation pursuant to the German Digital Signature Act and the German Digital Signature Ordinance. In this role, he was able to successfully implement his scientific knowledge in a highly secure and practical solution for setting up and operating certification services and for producing signature cards that conform with the requirements of the Signature Act. Prof. Tielemann thus created the practical preconditions for secure electronic legal transactions on a scientific basis.
From 2001 to 2003, Prof. Tielemann worked on the “Long-term archiving of signed documents (ArchiSig)” joint research project funded by the German Ministry of Labor and Economic Affairs. In this project, he was closely involved in designing the concept for detecting whether electronic signatures are sufficiently secure and for automatically re-signing signed documents. He played a major role in both creating a prototype and also in standardizing the solution as RFC 4998 “Long-term Archiving and Notary Service/Evidence Record Syntax (LTRANS/ERS)” in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
His project results attracted worldwide attention, laid the basis for new developments in the field of legally-secure archiving, and provided support for the legal security and development of the German Federal Cyber Security Authority’s technical guidelines for trustworthy electronic long-term archiving (TR-VELS: TR03125).
His many years of experience in industry were gained in several projects in the field of information security (ISMS), data protection, security certification (BSI basic protection), creating and evaluating security concepts (outsourcing, trust center), and designing and optimizing ITIL processes. Just before coming to FAU in 2022, he was responsible for setting up and operating a data center laboratory for cloud computing (“lab as a service”). His several years of experience in the field of information security make him an extremely well-qualified security expert.
In 2002, Prof. Tielemann received a teaching assignment at the Faculty of Engineering at FAU. Since then, he has held lectures on electronic signatures and data protection and compliance.
In 2011, he was awarded an honorary professorship at FAU in the field of “Practical Computer Science” in recognition of his scientific achievements.
Since February 2022, he has been involved in a research group at the Department of Computer Science, Chair of Computer Science 1 (IT Security Infrastructures) and was appointed Chief Information Security Officer at FAU.