Prof. Dr. med. Kerstin Ute Amann, University Women’s Representative (advisory role)
FAU Women’s representative

Phone: +49 9131 85 8522291
Department of Nephropathology at the Institute of Pathology
As the Officer for equal opportunities for women in science and the arts (women’s representative), Prof. Dr. Amann supports the University in promoting the implementation of equal opportunities and diversity with the aim of increasing the number of women in research at all career levels. She advises the Executive Board on monitoring and implementing equal opportunities in the University’s bodies and committees.
Curriculum vitae
Prof. Dr. med. Kerstin Ute Amann was born in 1963 and studied medicine at Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, where she also gained her doctoral degree as well as her habilitation in pathology. She gained a further professional development degree in health administration (Dipl. Oec. med.), where she focused on health economics, business administration and hospital management.
After working as a research assistant, in particular at the Institute of Pathology at the University of Heidelberg, she was appointed senior physician there in 1998. A year later, she was appointed associate professor (C3) and senior physician at the Institute of Pathology at FAU, where her responsibilities included the electron microscope laboratory and her role as subject coordinator for neuropathology from 2001 to 2002. In 2008, she was appointed director of the independent Department of Nephropathology at FAU and Universitätsklinikum Erlangen. In 2010, she accepted an appointment at FAU as professor for nephropathology with an independent department. She has rejected several high-level appointment offers at prestigious universities in favour of FAU.
Prof. Amann is an extremely dedicated scientist whose main research focus areas include changes in cardiovascular structure and function in chronic renal insufficiency, prenatal programming – the influence of environmental and maternal factors on the onset of high blood pressure and kidney damage in later life, and the morphology, pathogenesis and treatment of inflammatory and degenerative kidney diseases. Her dedication is reflected in the numerous awards she has won, an extensive list of publications and activities in teaching, support for young researchers and training. Prof. Amann is a highly regarded editor and reviewer of numerous publications.
Furthermore, she has been involved in promoting equal opportunities for several years, most recently as Women’s representative at the Faculty of Medicine (since 2008, previously as deputy from 2004 to 2008) and has been deputy Women’s representative of FAU since 2017. She is actively involved in several committees at the University in this role.
Her current term of office ends in September 2023.