Collaboration and partnerships
The FAU network
Collaboration with partner institutions
FAU nurtures particularly close ties to the major research and development institutions in the metropolitan region of Erlangen, Fürth and Nuremberg. Joint research and technology projects are commonplace, and they also collaborate on a strategic level with joint professorships, or shared career and innovation platforms.
The aim of the Bavarian Laser Centre (BLZ) is to find new areas of application for lasers through research, development and the transfer of knowledge. BLZ acts as a link between basic research and industrial applications. It offers a wide range of seminars on topics related to optical technologies. At the same time, BLZ also brings new applications to the researchers. As BLZ has founded and coordinates numerous networks and technology transfer associations, it can find the right specialist to answer almost any question related to applied laser technology. Go to website
The Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology (IIBS) conducts applied research and development in the areas of microelectronics and nanoelectronics, power electronics and mechatronics. The institute has received international attention and recognition for its technology, device and material developments for nanoelectronics, its activities in the area of simulation and its work on power electronic systems for energy efficiency and hybrid and electric cars. Go to website
The Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits (IIS) is a research facility and business partner for companies in the microelectronic systems and software sectors. Industrial companies, service providers and the public sector commission research by IIS. Its business areas include audio and multimedia technology, imaging systems, digital broadcasting, embedded communication systems, IC design, logistics, localisation and navigation, medical engineering, optical inspection systems, x-ray technology and sensor technology. Go to website
The Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light was founded on 1 January 2009. It originated from the Max Planck research group ‘Optics, Information and Photonics’ at FAU. Since 2004, MPL has strengthened FAU’s long-standing reputation in the field of optics and provided new insights across multiple disciplines. Many of the Institute’s research projects are based on technologies which are applied and further developed in several working groups. Its activities range from the production of optical microstructures and nanostructures to the provision of sophisticated optical technologies. Go to website
‘An-Institutes’ (according to Section 103 (2) BayHSchG)
LSTME e.v. has set itself the goal of consolidating and expanding the scientific and technical visibility of the Institute of Fluid Mechanics on a national and international level, with a focus on Asia and South Korea in particular.
The Institute carries out research on cooperative business from an economic, legal and sociological perspective. This approach results from the interdisciplinary character of cooperative business. Go to website
Forum V is an association of northern Bavarian insurance companies, universities and organisations committed to the interdisciplinary advancement of insurance science. The non-profit association works to further the cooperation between research, practice and politics in the insurance industry. Go to website
The Institute aims to advance independent empirical sociological research. Go to website
The Institute aims to research, teach and provide information about the nature and significance of liberal professions in society, the economy and government both in general and with regard to certain individual professions. Furthermore, the Institute of Liberal Professions provides consulting services for start-up businesses and the liberal professions. Go to website
It is IPM’s goal to reduce or avoid long-term complications through early diagnosis and treatment. IMP connects the University, clinics, doctors and patients, and disseminates research findings and experience in the fields of hypertension, coronary disease, kidney disease and diabetes. Go to website
Further institutions affiliated with the University
The Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority (LGL) evaluates health risks to the public, informs consumers and protects them from deception, carries out applied research in collaboration with manufacturers, universities and public authorities. It also supports the food inspection authorities, the public health service, the public veterinary service and the bodies which govern occupational health and safety in Bavaria. Go to website
The FAU Faculty Club, Fakultäten-Club Erlangen-Nürnberg e. V., was founded in 1990. All faculty members can become ordinary members of the club, while their spouses and family members can become supporting members.
It was founded at a time when the subjects represented at the University were becoming increasingly diverse and aims to help the faculties remain connected, to encourage researchers from different subjects to get to know one another and engage in discussion, and to ensure cohesion within the University. It has its own club house at the University (location Röthelheim, Carl-Thiersch-Str. 9) where members can bring guests along, eat together and socialise. The club house was opened in 1997. The Unicum restaurant is located on the ground floor and the club rooms are on the first floor.
Twice per semester the club holds a lecture evening called the Professorium where a FAU professor gives a general presentation on a topic from their field. Guests are also welcome to attend these events. After the lectures there is an opportunity to stay and talk with colleagues over a drink and a snack. The second Professorium in each summer semester is combined with the annual general meeting.
In addition, there are regular informal meet-ups during the semester on the first Monday of the month at 7 pm Each year the club organises a trip with a specialist guide on a Saturday in the summer or early autumn.
It currently has a total of around 200 members. Considering its aims, the club would be delighted if many more people were involved and welcomes new members who wish to help promote its cause.
Membership currently costs 40 euros per year for ordinary members and 20 euros for spouses and family members as supporting members, and is tax deductible. If you are interested in joining, please complete the application form and send it to the following address:
Prof. Dr. Joachim von Zanthier
Institut für Optik, Information und Photonik
Staudtstraße 7/B2
91058 Erlangen
Phone: +49 9131 8527603
Fax: + 49 9131 8527293
Website of the research group led by Prof. Dr. Joachim von Zanthier
IZT was founded in 1997 as a spin-off of the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits in Erlangen. Its main focus is on the development, production and distribution of commercial products in the fields of measurement, testing and information technology, wireless applications and digital broadcasting. Go to website
Founded in 1948, the Institute is a combination of a state-approved vocational school and a state-approved private academy for foreign-language professions. Go to website
The Physikalisch-Medizinische Sozietät Erlangen (the Erlangen Society of Physical Medicine) was founded on 20 March 1808. Its aim is to promote an exchange of ideas, observations and experiences in the natural sciences, engineering and medicine.
Its original statutes date from 27 April 1808 and the latest amendment was made on 4 February 2010. As of 16 July 2014, the society had 365 members in Germany and abroad, including 4 honorary members and 36 corresponding members. Each semester the society holds two to three meetings with presentations by its members or renowned researchers from around the world. It also publishes reports of its meetings under the title ‘Sitzungsberichte der Physikalisch-Medizinischen Sozietät Erlangen’ (ISSN 0371-2117). A total of eleven volumes, each consisting of four issues, were published between 1984 and 2011. In addition to current research papers, the reports contain transcripts of academic speeches (inaugural lectures, farewell lectures, addresses given when honorary doctoral degrees are awarded and at the annual ceremony when doctoral degrees are awarded at the Faculty of Medicine).
As a branch office of Hagen FernUniversität (Hagen Distance Learning University), Campus Nürnberg provides all necessary information material and forms and takes care of correspondence on the students’ behalf. Furthermore, Campus Nürnberg aims to serve as a link between students and the administrative and teaching staff in Hagen. Go to website