Quality management in teaching and studying

Quality management at FAU

Our quality management in teaching and studying provides support to the degree programs and subjects in their ongoing development and helps them comply with internal and external requirements. Ensuring and developing the quality of teaching and studying is a key goal at FAU. A decentralized approach is taken to quality management, allowing all those involved to work as independently as possible and ensuring that the unique characteristics of individual subjects are taken into account.

FAU-student in a park

Evaluation: Student survey FAU-St and complaints management

Further information about evaluations

FAU student in lecture hall

Commitment to quality: Guidelines on teaching and system accreditation

Our commitment to quality focuses on participatory exchange based on dialog at FAU. Together, we draw up guidelines for teaching and for developing the quality of our degree programs:

Further information about our commitment to quality

FAU student in front of FAU building

Processes: Accreditation and (further) development of degree programs

We ensure the high quality of our degree programs by means of coordinated central and decentralized processes in teaching and studying:

Further information about QM processes

Two FAU students in conversation

Structures: Committees and functions

Various functions and committees in teaching and studying assume joint responsibility for the quality of our degree programs:

Further information about QM structures

For FAU staff

The relevant documents and forms for tasks related to quality management are available at Quality management at intern.fau.de.


Magdalena Lieb

Room: Room 00.004
Wöhrmühle 2
91056 Erlangen

Julia Gnibl

Room: Room 00.004
Wöhrmühle 2
91056 Erlangen

Désirée Bender

Room: Room 00.004
Wöhrmühle 2
91056 Erlangen

Lena Olejniczak

Room: Room 00.004
Wöhrmühle 2
91056 Erlangen

Daniel Haupt

Room: Room 00.004
Wöhrmühle 2
91056 Erlangen