Students getting involved
Students get involved for their FAU
The University thrives on the ideas and dedication of its members. Students have several opportunities to get involved in
- university policymaking,
- teaching,
- providing advice and support to fellow students,
- music, sports and culture,
and play an active role in shaping university life.
FAU Strategy Talks – Join in the discussion!
The FAU Strategy Talks offer students and staff a joint platform to shape the future strategy of FAU. All members of FAU have the possibility to discuss current developments, the University’s strategic approach and future goals with the Executive Board. The FAU Strategy Talks cover a wide variety of topics: from site development and excellence strategy planning to the Hightech Agenda Bavaria and strategic partnerships.
Further information is available on our intranet after logging in with your IdM account.
Involvement in university policymaking at FAU
During the annual University elections, the members of the university-wide Student Council and the Faculty Councils are elected. In addition, there are many other committees that shape life at the University:

- The student committees at the University are the Student Council and the General Student Committee. The members elect representatives from their midst for the University committees, commissions and panels, such as the University Council, the Senate, the Commission for Teaching and Studying, the Central Committee for the Allocation of Tuition Fee Compensation and the Representatives’ Meeting of Student Services. The current members and all committees, commissions, and panels are listed on the Committees and senior officers page
- At faculty and departmental level, students can be elected members of the Student Committee. As members of Faculty Councils, committees and commissions, for example for teaching and studying, for tuition fee compensation, the appointment committee or the room allocation commission, students can play an active role in shaping University life at their faculty. A list of current members of committees and commissions is available on the relevant faculty and department websites.
- In addition, you can get involved without being elected and without any obligations. At the degree programme level, students can get involved in student associations or in the nine working groups and additional committees of the Students’ Representatives (StuVe) across the entire University.
Passing on knowledge in tutorials by students

Tutors are students who teach and help fellow students who are usually in lower semesters to study for exams, repeat, practice or discuss content from lectures, clarify questions, or provide help with practical work. Many chairs advertise positions for student tutors in UnivIS. It’s sometimes also worth approaching lecturers directly to ask if they are looking for student tutors.
In addition to subject knowledge, student tutors require teaching skills: How do I plan and design a teaching unit effectively, give presentations confidently or competently deal with groups of students?
We can help you with all these questions. The Centre for Continuing Education in University-Level Teaching (Fortbildungszentrum Hochschullehre, FBZHL) offers a programme of workshops and certificates in university teaching for student tutors.
Providing advice and support to students in mentoring programmes

Mentoring is provided in many different contexts: in business, at universities or to promote equality. At FAU, there are a number of programmes that give students the opportunity to provide support to fellow students as mentors.
There are mentoring programmes for special target groups, such as first-year students (information about these programmes is available from the student associations of the relevant degree programme). FAU also offers programmes geared specifically towards international students. These include the buddy programme.
There are also programmes for specific topics such as supporting women with their academic careers.
The mentoring programmes at FAU are usually coordinated by those involved in the programmes. Students who would like to get involved as mentors attend seminars and receive information on successful mentoring beforehand. A list of contacts is available on the relevant websites.
Music, sports and culture

Students of all subjects at FAU can join one of the several musical ensembles at the University or get involved in University Sports.
Students of all subjects are also most welcome in the cultural activities on offer such as funklust, which is responsible for producing the various FAU campus media, or in Arena, the international festival for dance, theatre and performance.
Student initiatives and student groups
The diversity of student involvement at FAU is evident on the student initiative section of the Students’ Representatives’ website: From Amnesty International and political groups to student groups affiliated to the church, there is something for everyone.
‘Voluntary work is a formative element in your personal development. Diversity and commitment to social projects at our University is only possible if you make your voice heard. We always welcome students who take an active role in shaping our University and the FAU of the future!’ (Vice President Education Prof. Dr. Andrea Bréard)