Applying for an apostille
If you are planning a stay abroad, please find out in good time whether you require an apostille or legalization for your (degree) certificates.
General information on the recognition of certificates and documents
- You generally require an apostille or legalization for the recognition of your certificates/documents for studying or working abroad.
- Documents are legalized by the diplomatic mission or consulate of the relevant foreign state in Germany. Since 1961, apostilles have replaced the legalization of public documents in states subject to the Hague Convention.
- An apostille is awarded by German authorities that are entitled to do so. In the case of certificates/documents from FAU, this is the district government of Middle Franconia in Ansbach.
Please note
- We can only provide prior certification for documents which have been issued by FAU.
- In the case of certificates relating to state examination qualifications, please contact the authorities which issued the certificate (e.g. the district government of Upper Bavaria or the relevant state ministry).
- A certified copy (provided by the examinations offices at FAU or other authorities) does not replace prior certificated for/or an apostille.
- A total of four weeks is required for prior certification and the issuing of an apostille.
Procedure and costs
Please plan a total of four weeks processing time (including postage) and be sure to apply for your apostille or legalization in good time!
Please send applications for prior certification by post only.
As an apostille confirms the authenticity of the signature and if applicable the stamp used by the party signing the document and that this person is indeed authorized to issue the certificate, you must provide us with the original of the documents. We cannot accept any copies or documents sent by email. Please submit a completed and signed copy of the application for prior certification together with the original documents, as well as a copy of your passport or ID card.
Please send the original documents, the application and copies of your ID to:
Zentrale Universitätsverwaltung
Referat L 1 – Rechtsangelegenheiten und Qualitätsmanagement in Lehre und Studium
Postfach 3520
91023 Erlangen
As a rule, we attach the prior certification to a color copy prepared by L1, in order to avoid marking your original document in case you need to use it again (for other stays abroad, for example). We only attach the prior certification to your original document if you explicitly request us to. This must be stated explicitly on the application.
After completing the prior certification, we forward your certificate/s by registered mail to the district government of Middle Franconia in Ansbach. You will then receive your documents back from there together with the apostille or legislation (the district government of Middle Franconia determines whether you require an apostille or legalization for your certificates).
Currently, this service costs 20 euros per document and you will be charged accordingly by the government of Middle Franconia.
Further information
If any other steps are required, you are expected to take action yourself and pay any costs incurred (e.g. for the Federal Office of Administration – Bundesverwaltungsamt – or a translation agency).
Further information is available on the website of the government of Middle Franconia or on the website of the Foreign Office.
If you have any further questions, please contact our staff in L1.
Cordula Weber
Office of Legal Affairs and Academic Quality Management
Ina Verhülsdonk
Office of Legal Affairs and Academic Quality Management