What will it cost?
What will it cost?
Unfortunately, it does cost money to study at university and it is usually also a financial burden for you as a parent. We can help with funding through our many scholarship programs and financing options and thus guarantee your child a worry-free time at university.
FAU charges no tuition fees (although fees may be charged for continuing education (only in German) and extra-occupational courses (only in German), while guest auditors are also required to pay a fee). However, all students are required to pay a semester fee every semester; this is made up of a contribution to Student Services (only in German) and a general contribution towards the cost of the semester ticket. It is difficult to provide an answer to the question of what other costs can arise in connection with studying at university. The life circumstances and needs of each individual are too varied. But general guidelines on the average [monthly] outgoings that can be expected are provided by the results of the 20th social survey undertaken by Deutschen Studentenwerk in 2012:
Rent, including ancillary costs (in the Erlangen, Nuremberg and surrounding areas) | 298 Euros (250 – 600 Euros) |
Food | 165 Euros |
Clothing | 52 Euros |
Travel costs (public transport and/or car) | 82 Euros |
Study materials (depending on subject) | 30 Euros |
Health insurance, doctors, medicine | 66 Euros |
Telecommunications | 33 Euros |
Leisure, culture, sports | 68 Euros |
We offer numerous scholarship and financial support programmes and other options that will help you and your child get through a degree programme here at FAU without financial concerns. And bear in mind that education is the best investment in the future. For your future, the future of your daughter or son and also for us.