After registering or applying via campo.fau.de or the national application procedure via hochschulstart.de and transferring your semester contribution, you can enroll during the set period. In order to enroll you must submit all required documents.
Enrollment periods
Depending on which degree program you are applying for, you can enroll either by post or by email. You can find out whether you need to enroll by post or by email in your enrollment request, which is available to download from your user account at www.campo.fau.de.
If a final deadline ends on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, the deadline is not extended until the end of the following working day (Section 31 (3)(2) Bavarian Administrative Procedures Act).
Only applicants enrolling for a place on degree programs without admission restrictions can apply by post (including Master’s degree programs with the exception of the programs in the field of psychology).
If this applies to you (see enrollment application in campo), you are simply required to transfer your semester contribution and then send all required documents to the Student Records Office by post. Documents for summer semester 2025 must be received from February 17, 2025 to March 31, 2025.
The postal address of the Student Records Office can be found in your enrollment request.
It can take between two and three weeks to process applications submitted by post. This can be longer if the submitted documents are not complete. If documents are submitted just before the deadline, no guarantees can be made that the student documents will be sent by the beginning of the semester. This will also apply if payment of the semester contribution is not made in time.
FAU cannot accept liability for any documents lost in the post.
You can only enroll for degree programs with admission restrictions by sending an email within the deadlines stated in your letter of admission.
- To enroll for Medicine, Medicine at Erlangen/Bayreuth, Pharmacy or Dentistry, send an email to studium-hs-einschreibung@fau.de
- To enroll for all other degree programs with admission restrictions, send an email to studium-nc-einschreibung@fau.de
Applicants who are offered a place on a degree program with admission restrictions can only access the enrollment request after submitting an enrollment request by clicking on the “Request enrollment” button in campo.
Documents to be submitted
Enrollment request: After enrolling online for degree programs without admissions restrictions (deadline September 30, 2024 for winter semester 2024/25) or, in the case of degree programs with admission restrictions, after receiving the admissions letter, please print the enrollment request from the online portal and sign it.
ID card or passport: International students are required to attach their passport. If you are enrolling by post, a normal copy is sufficient.
Proof of university entrance qualifications (not required for doctoral degrees):
- Certificate proving that the applicant is qualified for university entrance in the Free State of Bavaria for the chosen degree program (e.g. Abitur certificate, certificate of subject-specific university entrance qualifications from BOS/FOS (fachgebundene Hochschulreife)).
- Entrance qualification for advanced technical colleges (Fachhochschulreife; FOS12) alone does not qualify applicants for a degree program at FAU. Prospective students with an advanced technical college entrance qualification can be admitted to the same or a subject-related degree program if they provide proof of having achieved the examination achievements required for the first two semesters according to the relevant (university of applied sciences) examination regulations.
- Qualified professionals must only bring a certificate from a study advisor proving that a consultation session has taken place.
- German applicants with foreign qualifications who wish to enroll in a degree program without admission restrictions should contact the Admissions Office for International Applicants to confirm that their certificate can be accepted (see Information for German applicants with foreign qualifications).
If you are enrolling by post, you must submit a certified copy of your university entrance qualifications. If you are enrolling by email for a degree program with admission restrictions, it is enough to send a scanned copy of your original documents. If the original certificate was not issued in German, English, or French, a certified translation is required.
In order to enroll, you require electronic notification of health insurance status (known as M10) from a statutory health insurance provider. You need to apply for this from your statutory health insurance provider, quoting our reference number (Absendernummer) H0001887. The health insurance company will then send a digital copy directly to FAU.
Further information on the topic is available on our website at Health insurance – insurance certificate for enrollment.
Confirmation of semester contribution payment (for example bank transfer confirmation, bank statement. The following data should be visible: Account holder, IBAN, BIC, date of bank transfer, payment reference, and amount paid. All other data can be redacted).
- Admissions letter: Admissions letter from FAU, or Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung (SfH) for applications for degree programs with admission restrictions.
- Proof of having passed the qualifying examination or qualification assessment process: Please find out whether a qualifying examination (Eignungsprüfung, EPF) or qualification assessment process (Eignungsfeststellungsverfahren, EFV) is required from the information on the desired degree program.
If you are enrolling by post, a normal copy is sufficient. - Proof of placement: In some degree programs at the Faculty of Engineering, a six-week placement is required before the start of the degree program. For information regarding which degree programs this applies to, please see the degree program catalog. A confirmation from the work placement office showing you completed the pre-study placement must be presented upon enrollment in person. A placement contract is not sufficient. Please address any questions regarding the pre-study placement directly to the work placement office responsible. For further information, please visit the work placement office’s website.
If you are enrolling by post, a normal copy is sufficient. - Training contract: Required for enrollment in co-operative degree programs.
If you are enrolling by post, a normal copy is sufficient. - Two-subject Bachelor’s degree: For some subject combinations you must consult a study advisor before you can enroll for a two-subject Bachelor’s degree program in these subjects.
- Certificate showing the duration of studies: If you have already been enrolled at a German university in the past, a certificate showing details of the degree program, the duration of your studies and your de-registration is required.
- Confirmation of suitability: For students changing to a different subject/different university in a higher semester, the confirmation of suitability form must be filled out by the previous university (see enrollment application).
- Original degree certificate: Required if you have already completed a degree. If you are enrolling by post, you must submit a certified copy. If you are enrolling by email for a degree program with admission restrictions, it is enough to send a scanned copy of your original documents. If the original certificate was not issued in German, English, or French, a certified translation is required.
- Proof of having sat the preliminary or intermediate examination: Required if enrollment for the semester in question is subject to a preliminary or intermediate examination.
- Accreditation of semesters issued by the Examinations Office responsible: In the event of lateral entry into a higher semester, accreditation of semesters required for the admission which has been granted is required.
International applicants must first apply for admission to FAU via the campo application portal. You will then receive information on how and when to enroll and which documents are required in the admissions letter. Detailed information on the application procedure is available under Application and enrollment.
In addition to the documents that are always required for enrollment (see above), international applicants usually require additional documents:
Examination certificates: Foreign examination certificate(s) which qualify you for entrance to university and, where necessary, the certificate from the Studienkolleg (with de-registration certificate from the university to which the Studienkolleg belongs). If you are enrolling by post, you must submit a certified copy. If you are enrolling by email for a degree program with admission restrictions, it is enough to send a scanned copy of your original documents.
Admissions letter from the Admissions Office for degree programs without admission restrictions: International applicants also require an admissions letter for degree programs without admission restrictions and must therefore have submitted an application within the applicable deadline.
Applicants who have passed the assessment examination (Feststellungsprüfung) can enroll directly for degree programs without admission restrictions if all other requirements are met. Exception: For degree programs that require a qualification assessment process (Eignungsfeststellungsverfahren, EFV), applicants require an admissions letter and must therefore have submitted an application to the Admissions Office within the applicable deadline.
German applicants with foreign university entrance qualifications must contact the FAU Admissions Office to confirm that their qualification is accepted before they can enroll (not applicable for Master’s degree programs). Further information is given under “Information for German applicants with foreign qualifications”on this page.
Proof of sufficient proficiency in German: All international applicants applying for degree programs taught in German require proof of proficiency in German (for example a certificate showing a pass in the DSH or TestDaF examination) unless they have completed a German university entrance qualification (Abitur) or passed the assessment examination (Feststellungsprüfung).
State recognition of foreign certificates for state examinations for degree programs in Medicine, Medicine Erlangen/Bayreuth, Dentistry and Pharmacy: Applicants with foreign university entrance qualifications must submit confirmation from an Office for the Recognition of Certificates (Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle) that their certificate has been officially recognized. If the required university entrance qualification was obtained by completing an assessment examination (Feststellungsprüfung) at a recognized Studienkolleg, confirmation from an Office for the Recognition of Certificates is not required.
Since winter semester 2023/24, applicants with qualifications from India, Vietnam or China have been required to submit an APS certificate before starting a degree program in Germany (Bachelor’s, State Examination and Master’s). You must submit this APS certificate with your application.
Please note the following exceptions:
An APS certificate is not required for application or enrollment if one of the following conditions is met:
- The applicant is already resident in Germany and has proof of residence (Meldebescheinigung) that is not older than three months.
- The highest educational qualification originates from a country other than India, China or Vietnam. The first degree is relevant for the application for a Master’s degree program. If applicants gained their Bachelor’s degree in India and a Master’s degree in another country, an APS certificate is still required. In this case, the university degree relevant for the application is the Bachelor’s degree and the Master’s degree is secondary.
- The applicant has passed an assessment examination (Feststellungsprüfung) in Germany.
- The applicant is located in India and is studying a distance learning degree program at a German university.
- The applicant has been awarded a scholarship from Germany or the EU.
For more information, please visit the APS India website: aps-india.de
If you have German citizenship and you have obtained your university entrance qualification in a country other than Germany and you would like to enroll in a degree program without admission restrictions, please contact the Admissions Office for International Applicants zuv-zib@fau.de in good time before the enrollment period to confirm whether your certificates can be accepted (does not apply to Master’s degree programs). This is important to avoid complications in the enrollment procedure. Please include proof of citizenship with your documents and state which degree program without admission restrictions you wish to apply for at FAU.
Inquiries that are not related to the verification of foreign university entrance qualifications of German citizens received via this address will be deleted without reply.
Please note that certificates may be checked relatively quickly from the start of October to the end of June of the following year, however inquiries received from the beginning of July to the end of September usually take longer to process which may affect your ability to enroll on time. Please also be aware that applicants with foreign qualifications need to provide proof of proficiency in German. If you need to take the DSH examination, please collect an application form from the Admissions Office.
Doctoral degrees, guest students and changing degree program
Applicants for a doctoral program require:
- Online registration of their doctoral proposal at docdaten.fau.de
- Printed and signed enrollment request from the online application via www.campo.fau.de (deadline October 31, 2024 for winter semester 2024/25).
- ID card or passport
- Confirmation of your status as a doctoral candidate at FAU (can be downloaded from docDaten under “Dokumente” once you have been admitted)
- Confirmation of semester contribution payment (for example bank transfer confirmation, bank statement. The following data should be visible: account holder, IBAN, BIC, date of bank transfer, payment reference, and amount paid. All other data can be redacted).
In order to complete enrollment, please send all documents stated above to studentenkanzlei@fau.de.
If you have already enrolled at FAU and have re-registered for the semester in which you would like to change degree program and have paid the semester contribution, you will need to complete the application to change degree program. You may also need to submit your admissions letter with a copy of your Abitur certificate (or equivalent university entrance qualification), proof that you have passed the qualifying examination (Eignungsprüfung, EPF) or qualification assessment process (Eignungsfeststellungsverfahren, EFV) or proof of having completed a placement when you apply to change degree program.
If you have the fachgebundene Hochschulreife, a copy of your Abitur certificate is also required, even if you are enrolling for a degree program without admission restrictions.
Applications for changing degree programs may be made by post, fax or email up until lectures start. For degree programs that require advance registration (Uni-Vor), the application for changing degree program must be submitted by the earlier deadline.
Please also note other application and transfer procedures and deadlines apply for changing to a degree program with admission restrictions.
You do not receive separate notification when the process for changing subject is complete. Instead, you can view and check your status and all current certificates in the online portal campo.
After you enroll
If your documents are complete and your payment has been received, you will receive a letter by post after you have been enrolled that contains information on how to activate electronic services (IdM user name, activation password). It usually takes 2 to 3 weeks to process your enrollment. Students who have been enrolled can also access this letter in the campo online portal via the “Student Services” function.
You will receive a letter with your student ID (FAUcard) from the FAUcard Service Office three weeks after activating your user account at the earliest. Your FAUcard can only be issued after you have uploaded a photo during the activation process.
You can access a digital copy of your certificate of enrollment on campo via the “Student Services” function once you have enrolled successfully and activated your user account.