Examinations Office – School of Business and Economics
Faculty of Business, Economics, and Law –School of Business and Economics
Registration periods for module examinations:
Winter semester 2024/2025:
- Regular registration period for all examinations that are offered once a semester or for the first date for examinations that are offered twice in the same semester: November 18 (00:01) until December 8, 2024 (23:59)
- Registration period for resit examinations offered in the same semester (second examination date at Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology, Faculty of Sciences or Faculty of Medicine):
Second examination dates at the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology:
From the Monday after the end of the lecture period of the current semester until March 20 (winter semester) or September 20 (summer semester).
Second examination dates at the Faculty of Sciences:
From the Monday four weeks before the lecture period begins in the following semester until the lecture period begins in the following semester. For the degree programs Pharmacy and Food Chemistry, the deadlines for registering for the second examination date are January 1 until April 15 for the winter semester and July 1 to October 15 for the summer semester.
Second examination dates at the Faculty of Medicine:
Students of medicine/dentistry should contact the secretaries’ offices of the relevant departments.
For Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs at the Faculty of Medicine, please contact the relevant degree program coordinator directly.
Summer semester 2025:
- Regular registration period for all examinations that are offered once a semester or for the first date for examinations that are offered twice in the same semester: (provisionally) June 2 (00:01) until June 22, 2025 (23:59)
- Registration period for resit examinations offered in the same semester (second examination date at Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology, Faculty of Sciences or Faculty of Medicine):
Second examination dates at the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology: From the Monday after the end of the lecture period of the current semester until March 20 (winter semester) or September 20 (summer semester).
Second examination dates at the Faculty of Sciences:
From the Monday four weeks before the lecture period begins in the following semester until the lecture period begins in the following semester. For the degree programs Pharmacy and Food Chemistry, the deadlines for registering for the second examination date are January 1 until April 15 for the winter semester and July 1 to October 15 for the summer semester.
Second examination dates at the Faculty of Medicine:
Students of medicine/dentistry should contact the secretaries’ offices of the relevant departments.
Students must register for examinations via campo. The registration function is only activated during a registration period.
You can find the exam dates on the German website.
The opening hours of the Examinations Office are from Monday to Thursday 9:00 am to 11:00 am and on Tuesday also from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
When handing in documents, please use the mail box at the mail room (room 1.309, next to the main entrance) in Lange Gasse.
Please hand in final theses to the Examination Office during normal opening hours.
If final papers are handed in at the post office, they must be packed in a sealed envelope.
Please arrange an appointment with your advisor beforehand either by e-mail or telephone. It is not usually necessary to attend in person.
Information and forms
- Written examinations for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes that are organised by the Examinations Office are held during the first 5 weeks of the semester break.
- You may withdraw up to 3 working days (Monday to Friday) before the date of the examination without stating reasons. You can withdraw from an examination via the campo portal. If you do not withdraw before the deadline, if you do not attend the examination without a valid reason it will be considered failed.
- You may withdraw from an examination at any time due to illness or other valid reasons. In this case you must submit an application for withdrawal (application for withdrawal due to illness) and provide suitable proof of the reason for withdrawal (e.g. a doctor’s certificate). A certificate confirming inability to work (a yellow slip titled Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung) is not sufficient. The certificate must include a description of the ailment and state how this affects your ability to perform to your full potential (ICD code not sufficient). It must be issued at the latest on the day of the examination. (Section 10 (3) and 4 BPOWISO and Section 10 (3) and (4) MPOWISO)
Announcement of examination dates:
The Examinations Office determines the dates for certain major examinations manually at the beginning of the semester. However, the dates for the majority of examinations cannot be determined until after the registration deadline when it is clear which students wish to take which examinations.
Due to the number of examinations, the large number of candidates and the fact that clashes must be avoided, it is not possible to schedule all examinations manually. Under consideration of the examination dates that have already been determined, the remaining examinations are scheduled after the registration deadline using specially designed software.
The dates for these examinations are usually determined one week, or two weeks at the latest, after the registration deadline and are published as soon as they are available (here and on campo).
Deadline for passing the Grundlagen- und Orientierungsprüfung (GOP)
All modules in the GOP must be passed by the end of the third subject semester at the latest. Some modules from the assessment phase are part of the GOP. The GOP consists of modules from the first two semesters worth 50 ECTS credits (or 30 ECTS for the degree programmes in Information Systems and Business Law).
Only completed modules from the assessment phase count. Examinations for GOP modules may only be resat once.
In the degree programmes in Business Studies, International Business Studies, International Economic Studies and Socioeconomics, the assessment phase consists of 60 ECTS credits, which means that 10 ECTS may be from modules that are not part of the GOP. For these 10 ECTS credits you may resit examinations twice and/or sit the examinations in a later semester.
Deadline for passing the Bachelor’s examination
The Bachelor’s examination must be passed by the end of the 8th subject semester at the latest.
Deadline extensions
After the deadlines for the GOP and the Bachelor’s examination, they are considered failed at the final attempt if not all components have been passed.
You may submit a written application for an extension of these deadlines to the Examinations Committee if there is a valid reason for which you are not responsible. Applications for extensions must be submitted to the Examinations Office and proof of the reasons must be provided.
If after the end of the 8th semester the only examinations that you still have to take are resit examinations, you may also apply for an extension. In this case, however, you do not need to re-register for the next semester.
Template: Application for an extension at the School of Business and Economics
Deadline for passing the Master’s examination
The Master’s examination must be passed by the end of the 6th subject semester at the latest.
Deadline extensions
After the deadline has passed, the examination counts as failed at the final attempt.
You may submit a written application for an extension of these deadlines to the Examinations Committee if there is a valid reason for which you are not responsible. Applications for extensions must be submitted to the Examinations Office and proof of the reasons must be provided.
If after the end of the 6th semester the only examinations that you still have to take are resit examinations, you must also apply for an extension. In this case, however, you do not need to re-register for the next semester.
Template: Application for an extension at the School of Business and Economics
For examination and course achievements from previous studies at another university or in a different subject and credits earned abroad (determined in the learning agreement) to be accredited, you must submit an application for accreditation.
The application forms are available under ‘Forms’.
- For achievements gained before starting your current degree programme, please use the ‘Application for accreditation of examination and course achievements’. For those changing courses within FAU, all that is needed is usually this application and Appendix 1 (examination achievements).
- If you would like to have achievements you obtained abroad as part of your current degree programme accredited, please use the form ‘Application for accreditation of credits earned abroad’.
- The department is responsible for the accreditation of vhb (Virtual University of Bavaria) achievements as part of the cooperative core skills modules. The contact person is Ms. Simon at Prof. Dr. Wilbers’ Chair. You will find further information and the relevant form on the website of Quality Management at the School of Business and Economics.
Special regulations for international student
A bilingual dictionary may be used during written examinations. This may also be a specialist dictionary. Handwritten comments or notes are not allowed. Candidates are requested to show their dictionaries to the invigilator for checking on the day of the examination. These rules also apply to German students who grew up in a country where German is not spoken and who are therefore not entirely fluent in German. Electronic dictionaries are prohibited.
As far as possible, please do not complete the forms by hand. Signatures are of course an exception.
- Application for accreditation of examination and course achievements
- Application for accreditation of examination and course achievements – Appendix 1: Examination achievements (Bachelor)
- Application for Accreditation of examination and course achievements – Appendix 2: Proof of eligibility
- Application for accreditation of credits earned abroad (in German)
- Application for extension to the period for working on Bachelor’s thesis (bilingual)
- Application for Graduation Documents (Bachelor) (bilingual)
- Application for Graduation Documents for Business Law (Bachelor) (bilingual)
- Application for a second copy of an official document (bilingual)
As far as possible, please do not complete the forms by hand. Signatures are of course an exception.
- Application for accreditation of examination and course achievements (Master)
- Application for accreditation of examination and course achievements – Appendix 1: Examination achievements (Master)
- Application for accreditation of examination and course achievements – Appendix 2: Proof of eligibility
- Application for accreditation of credits earned abroad (in German)
- Application for extension to the period for working on Bachelor’s thesis (bilingual)
- Application for Graduation Documents (Master) (bilingual)
- Application for a second copy of an official document (bilingual)
Forms for accreditation of examination achievements in co-operative degree programmes
- Steuerfachangestellte/r (StBK) training programme in conjunction with the degree programme in Business Studies (in German)
- Bankkauffrau/-mann training programme at Volksbanken/Raiffeisenbanken in collaboration with GVB in conjunction with the degree programme in Business Studies (in German)
- Kauffrau/-mann training programme for insurance and finance at IHK in conjunction with the degree programme in Business Studies (in German)
- Training programme at IHK in conjunction with the degree programme in Business Studies (in German)
- Training programme at IHK for the degree programmes in Socioeconomics (in German)
- Training programme at IHK for the degree programmes in International Business Studies (in German)
- Training programme at IHK for the degree programmes in Business informatics (in German)
Please apply directly at the Language Centre in Nuremberg (FAN) if you would like to have your language skills accredited.
More information on co-operative degree programmes
Information on possible language courses Updated: 15 October 2020
Send your doctor’s certificate and application for withdrawal due to illness to the Examinations Office by post (the date on the post mark is considered the date of submission) or deliver them in person in an envelope to the mailroom (level 1 by the main entrance). Please do not deliver your documents to the Examinations Office in person. A certificate from an official medical examiner is only required if you withdraw from an examination after it has already started or if you have been notified in writing that it is required.
A certificate confirming inability to work (a yellow slip titled Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung) is not sufficient. The certificate must include a description of the ailment and state how this affects your ability to perform to your full potential (ICD code not sufficient). It must be issued at the latest on the day of the examination. (Section 10 (3) and 4 BPOWISO and Section 10 (3) and (4) MPOWISO)
FAU Examinations Office
School of Business, Economics and Society
Lange Gasse 20
90403 Nürnberg
The contacts for each degree programme are listed below.
Please send all queries from your FAU e-mail address and state your degree programme (and specialisation, if applicable), your student registration number and, if applicable, the examination number and the name of the examination.
Bachelor’s degree programmes
Letters A – C

Ute Haberberger, VA
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 0911530295347
- Email: ute.haberberger@fau.de
Letters D – H

Rosemarie Späth, VA
Examinations Office
90402 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 09115302-95736
- Email: rosemarie.spaeth@fau.de
Letters I – K

Nadja Hirsch, VA
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 0911530295652
- Email: nadja.hirsch@fau.de
L – R, X – Z

Aischa Hofmann, VA
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 09115302-95737
- Email: aischa.hofmann@fau.de
Letters S – W

Eva Besner, VA
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 09115302-95654
- Email: eva.besner@fau.de
Letters A – C

Ute Haberberger, VA
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 0911530295347
- Email: ute.haberberger@fau.de
Letters D – H

Rosemarie Späth, VA
Examinations Office
90402 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 09115302-95736
- Email: rosemarie.spaeth@fau.de
Letters I – K

Nadja Hirsch, VA
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 0911530295652
- Email: nadja.hirsch@fau.de
L – R, X – Z

Aischa Hofmann, VA
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 09115302-95737
- Email: aischa.hofmann@fau.de
Letters S – W

Eva Besner, VA
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 09115302-95654
- Email: eva.besner@fau.de

Aischa Hofmann, VA
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 09115302-95737
- Email: aischa.hofmann@fau.de

Rosemarie Späth, VA
Examinations Office
90402 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 09115302-95736
- Email: rosemarie.spaeth@fau.de

Ilona Hirscheider, VA
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 0911530295662
- Email: ilona.hirscheider@fau.de

Cornelia Baumann, VA
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 09115302-95645
- Email: cornelia.baumann@fau.de

Aischa Hofmann, VA
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 09115302-95737
- Email: aischa.hofmann@fau.de

Eva Besner, VA
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 09115302-95654
- Email: eva.besner@fau.de
Letters A-K

Cornelia Baumann, VA
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 09115302-95645
- Email: cornelia.baumann@fau.de
Letters L-Z

Ilona Hirscheider, VA
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 0911530295662
- Email: ilona.hirscheider@fau.de
Master’s degree programmes

Aischa Hofmann, VA
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 09115302-95737
- Email: aischa.hofmann@fau.de

Nadja Hirsch, VA
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 0911530295652
- Email: nadja.hirsch@fau.de

Nadja Hirsch, VA
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 0911530295652
- Email: nadja.hirsch@fau.de

Nadja Hirsch, VA
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 0911530295652
- Email: nadja.hirsch@fau.de

Cornelia Baumann, VA
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 09115302-95645
- Email: cornelia.baumann@fau.de

Ilona Hirscheider, VA
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 0911530295662
- Email: ilona.hirscheider@fau.de

Ute Haberberger, VA
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 0911530295347
- Email: ute.haberberger@fau.de

Nadja Hirsch, VA
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 0911530295652
- Email: nadja.hirsch@fau.de

Eva Besner, VA
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 09115302-95654
- Email: eva.besner@fau.de

Nadja Hirsch, VA
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 0911530295652
- Email: nadja.hirsch@fau.de
Management and organisation

Erika Schmidt, RAR
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 09115302-95615
- Email: erika.schmidt@fau.de

Ute Haberberger, VA
Examinations Office
90403 Nürnberg
- Phone number: 0911530295347
- Email: ute.haberberger@fau.de
letters A - C