
One third of all epilepsy patients do not respond to drug-based treatments. In the case of focal epilepsy, where the cause is located in a certain area of the brain, brain surgery can be beneficial and can even act as a cure.

When the immune system attacks intestinal microbiota, this leads to chronic intestinal inflammation and considerable pain and discomfort. A team of researchers have investigated a new treatment approach.

Three young researchers at FAU have succeeded in securing research funding in one of the toughest European selection processes. Over the next five years, the European Research Council (ERC) will provide ERC Starting Grants to support the outstanding research projects of Dr. Johannes Fürst, PD Dr. Benoit Merle and Prof. Dr. Dominik Munz.

Sustainable energy is hard to imagine without photovoltaic technology. Prof. Dr. Christoph Brabec, Chair of Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology is conducting fundamental photovoltaic research at FAU. He explains in the following interview how his findings are transferred to industrial applications.

Climate change triggered a complex change in the behaviour of late Neanderthals: they developed more complex tools. This is the conclusion reached by a group of researchers from FAU and Università degli Studi die Ferrara on the basis of finds in the Sesselfelsgrotte cave in Lower Bavaria. The archaeologists have now published their research findings in the journal PLOS ONE.

Can the rhythm and music therapy TaKeTiNa alleviate the symptoms of depressed patients and possibly even strengthen the immune system? A new study to investigate this will start in October 2020. The first information events for interested parties will take place in September 2020.

Seven years ago, the Green Factory Bavaria project was launched with the aim of minimising resource consumption in production. Project coordinator Prof. Dr. Jörg Franke of the Institute for Factory Automation and Production Systems explains the most important results of the Green Factory Bavaria.

Is it possible to influence the progression of an aggressive form of leukaemia and improve chances of recovery by adopting a special diet? Research conducted by the team of researchers led by Prof. Dr. Robert Slany at the Chair of Genetics at FAU and published in the journal ‘BloodAdvances’ suggest that this may be the case.