
A treatment for metastatic cancer – researchers at FAU, the University of Innsbruck, the MIT and Universität Würzburg have now come a major step closer to this ambitious goal.

FAU researcher Ludwig Nützel combines the traditional card game of Schafkopf and quantum physics. He has now spiced the game up a little with his new version that introduces elements from the field of quantum physics into the trick-taking game.

As part of our innate immune system, the complement system plays a role in destroying tumor cells. Paradoxically however, an activated complement system can also also promote the growth and formation of metastases in certain types of tumors such as sarcomas. How radiotherapy influences the complement system is now the subject of research being carried out by a consortium that researcher Dr. Michael Rückert is a member of.

“One year after the treatment, I feel as good as I did before my diagnosis, except for a few colds,” says Uresa A. today. In June 2023, Uresa received CAR-T cells at Universitätsklinikum Erlangen as a last resort to slow down systemic lupus erythematosus.

While a pacemaker is currently the most effective treatment to stop cardiac arrhythmias, it cannot keep them from reoccurring. However, there might be a solution for that: FAU researchers and scientists from the University of Bonn have now developed a gel as a preventive measurement.

Emperor penguins are an endangered species. Scientists are protecting the largest of all penguins by monitoring their numbers precisely and investigating which factors affect their population. A team led by researchers at FAU has now developed a reliable method that can predict the number of breeding pairs and chicks and serve as an early warning system for climate change in the Antarctic Ocean.

When fighting infections or tumors, entire armies of immune cells must coordinate their behavior. Researchers at FAU will investigate which immune processes play a role in this over the next three years. The researchers will also use machine learning algorithms. The Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation supports the project through its Rise Up! program with funding of almost €500,000.

Sebastian Teichert and his colleagues have monitored the growth of rhodoliths very closely. In the process, they discovered which impact climate change has on their development.