
Researchers from the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin and FAU have investigated extinction events with rapid global warming in the last 300 million years. They discovered that species from warm and cold waters are highly likely to become extinct as a consequence of global warming, while species in temperate waters survive.

At the current time, there is no cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Things may be about to change, however. Researchers at FAU and the University of California San Diego (UCSD) have identified a protein that already displays pathological characteristics at an early stage of the neurological disease.

With the Young Researcher Award (YRA) in Advanced Optical Technologies, the Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT) recognizes young researchers for their outstanding research and provides them with research funds and a guest professorship at FAU. This year, Samuel Grauer, PhD, received the YRA.

Top managers from industry and society strengthen links between academia, industry and society, and spur innovation on in the process: That is the idea behind the newly established CxO Council at FAU.

As a result of climate change, more and more people in cities are exposed to flooding, extreme temperatures, and water or food shortages. The infrastructure of major cities can be damaged by landslides, flooding, or temperature events, with cascading effects throughout the city. Power outages can affect water pumping, traffic control, street lighting, and hospitals, schools, and homes.

Lots of little dots with no apparent pattern: where laypeople may just see milky gray photos sprinkled with what looks like random crumbs, it is enough to make astronomers’ hearts miss a beat. We are talking about historical photographic plates showing negatives of the night sky. Together with the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam and the universities of Hamburg and Tartu (Estonia), researchers at FAU have now digitized the astronomical images and published them online at

Until now, the main means of diagnosing Parkinson’s has been restricted to the typical movement disorders such as tremors, slowing movements and stiffening of muscles. The disease begins up to 20 years before these symptoms appear, however. Until now there have been no blood indicators or imaging pr...

The German federal government introduced the ‘fuel discount’ on June 1, 2022. A team of researchers from FAU have now investigated to what extent the oil companies pass on the tax cuts and what impact the fuel discount is actually having on consumers’ wallets. 

Emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide from human activity cause ocean warming, acidification, oxygen loss, and other physical and chemical changes that are affecting marine ecosystems around the world. At the same time, natural climate variability and direct human impacts, such as overfishing and pollution, also affect marine ecosystems locally, regionally and globally. These climatic and non-climatic factors mutually reinforce each other.