
Superalloys are essential for manufacturing turbine blades in jet engines, for example. Now, for the first time, researchers at FAU have succeeded in simulating the exact atomic structure of a nickel-based superalloy rather than an idealised version.

The body's powers of regeneration sometimes fail. Around 350,000 people a year suffer from broken bones that cannot heal by themselves. Current research aims to use mesoporous – i.e. highly porous – silicate nanomaterials to support bone and wound healing.

FAU students were recently granted access to a unique laboratory, the only one of its kind in Europe, for two weeks by the European Space Agency (ESA) where they collected valuable data.

In a recent issue of the renowned journal Nature Photonics, physicists at FAU and Friedrich Schiller University Jena find the answers to astronomical questions in the laboratory, shifting the focus to a previously underappreciated material property – surface curvature.

A new cell culture technique allows the processes of tumour growth to be studied directly and in real time, without the need for complex experiments using live animals. The researchers at FAU who developed the technique looked specifically at brain tumours.

At the beginning of December, an international team of researchers, including members from FAU, celebrated the inauguration of the prototype Gamma-ray Cherenkov Telescope (GCT), which was developed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), at the Observatoire de Paris in Meudon.

How nanoparticles give electrons away: Researchers have investigated how much electrical charge nanoparticles transfer to their support for the first time.

How does the mother-of-pearl in clam shells form? Not in a crystallisation process but through the aggregation of nanoparticles within an organic matrix – as materials scientists at FAU have now shown.

In the early morning of December 3 scientists and engineers from nine European countries started the installation of KM3NeT, the largest detector of neutrinos in the Northern Hemisphere.