
Physicists at FAU and the Vienna University of Technology have successfully created one-dimensional magnetic atom chains for the first time. Their break-through provides a model system for basic research.

SHARE is the name of the new scientific collaboration project between Schaeffler and FAU. Research will be carried out in the fields of digitalization and production processes.

Dr. Thajudeen got the prestigious Alexander von Humboldt research fellowship to carry out his postdoctoral research at FAU. He joined the Institute of Particle Technology in January, 2014 after completing his PhD at the University of Minnesota, USA. Dr. Thajudeen aims to extend the capabilities of current characterizing techniques to measure the sizes and properties of non-spherical particles, specifically focusing on nanorods and fractal aggregates.

The Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT) at FAU has recognised Professor Darko Zibar's outstanding work on applications of machine learning in optical communication with its Young Researcher Award.