
FAU researchers have investigated the formation of rot in grapes and have shown that certain kinds of fungi can generate not only various musty-mouldy aromas but also fruity and floral odours in wine.

Standard chemotherapeutic agents such as temozolomide often have no effect on glioblastomas, which are a type of malignant brain tumour. A team of researchers at FAU has therefore been investigating the mechanism which prevents the medication from working and ways of deactivating this.

The transition from regional geography to a technical discipline with an emphasis on digitalisation: in a new project, researchers are currently examining the history of geography in the 1960s and 1970s.

A team of physical geographers and hydrogeologists at FAU have submitted a successful application for follow-up funding to the German Research Foundation (DFG) for an innovative research project on climate change that is based on the Mediterranean island of Corsica.

‘Engine Fault: please locate nearest garage’ – no car can cope without communication and power networks. FAU-based researchers are now looking into how on-board networks can satisfy ever higher demands.

The EU is granting FAU chemist Andreas Hirsch €2.49 million to conduct research into black phosphorus on the molecular level. The holder of the Chair of Organic Chemistry II aims to develop new areas for its application, for instance in the fields of electrical energy storage and solar cells.