
A team at FAU has managed to selectively influence the properties of hybrid systems consisting of carbon nanostructures and a dye.

Physicists at FAU and Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU) have accomplished a quantum leap in light research. They have managed to capture the behaviour of extremely short laser pulses during focusing by means of very high spatial and temporal resolution.

In view of climate change and the needs of the energy reform, it has become important to significantly increase the efficiency of organic solar cells. Physicists and chemists at FAU collaborating in an international joint project have now successfully described a mechanism with which it may be possible to achieve this.

The particularly aggressive brain tumours known as glioblastomas often prove to be resistant to chemotherapy. The team of physicians headed by Nicolai Savaskan of the Chair for Neurosurgery at FAU has now identified a key gene that could be responsible for this.

Fundamental new insights into the functioning of the immune system and a new approach to treating autoimmune diseases: these are among the achievements of the transregional collaborative research centre TRR130 ‘B-cells: Immunity and Autoimmunity’.

Nine teams of FAU researchers and international peers will forge new ideas together on the sailing ship ‘Thor Heyerdahl’