
Researchers at FAU are currently developing a hybrid compensation plant system with partners from the fields of science, energy supply and business. To this end, they have combined in a single system an energy storage element and a very powerful converter that can influence the form of the signal in the power grid.

The mineral perovskite is considered highly efficient for use in solar technology, but is unfortunately still almost completely unsuited for everyday applications due to incompatible interfaces. FAU researchers led by Prof. Dr. Christoph Brabec, a materials scientist, are hoping to change that.

We eat salt every day, sometimes more and sometimes less, but often too much. However, the impact of salt on intestinal bacteria has not been studied up to now. A research team headed by Prof.  Dr. Ralf Linker of the Chair of Neurology at FAU recently discovered that table salt reduces the number of lactobacilli in the intestinal tract.

Successful application for the highest endowed international research award in Germany: Prof. Ewa Dąbrowska, 54, a linguistics expert nominated by FAU, has been awarded an Alexander von Humboldt Professorship.

Ground-breaking research has paved the way towards new imaging techniques. Scientists have successfully developed and tested a method which is considerably more effective than conventional procedures.