Generating more electricity from solar cells and conducting further research into so-called singlet fission. This is what scientists at FAU are currently working on as part of a joint research project conducted in collaboration with Argonne-Northwestern Solar Energy Research (ANSER) Center at Northwestern University in Evanston, USA.
The Bertha Benz Prize was awarded for the tenth time on 14 June 2018 as part of the Bertha Benz lecture programme in Heidelberg. Dr. Silvia Budday from the Faculty of Engineering at FAU has been awarded the prize for her doctoral thesis 'The Role of Mechanics during Brain Development'.
Severe diarrhoea, stomach pain, cramps – these are the most common symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) such as Morbus Crohn or Colitis ulcerosa. A new collaborative research centre at FAU is focusing on this area.
Intramolecular reactions make it possible for solar energy to be transformed and stored in a single molecule. This may form the basis for constructing energy-storing solar cells. FAU is currently investigating this topic in two research projects.
Biotechnologists at FAU have successfully developed proteins that function like a shuttle and release medication directly in the place in the body where they are actually needed
The collaborative research centre/Transregio 89 'Invasive computing' has been granted funding for a further four years. The DFG has provided 10 million euros for researching future parallel computing systems. The collaborative research centre/Transregio 89 is coordinated by the Chair for Hardware/Software Co-Design at FAU.
Exactly how electrocatalysts work is not yet fully understood. This could now all change with a new method developed by researchers from FAU and the Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nürnberg for Renewable Energy (HI ERN).
That certain medication poses a risk for safe driving is well known and also well researched. Less clarity exists about the adverse interactions for patients who take a combination of several different medications. This will be the subject of the study carried out by a team of researchers during the next six months.