
As part of the EU-funded cluster 'Energy-oriented Centre of Excellence (EoCoE)', FAU researchers are now attempting to further improve and expand the fields of application of mainframes for the research and development of the global energy supply of the future.

Chronic itching, or pruritus as it is known by its medical term, affects up to 25 percent of the population during the course of their lives and is often underestimated. The first team of researchers from Germany has now therefore joined forces to carry out research in this area as part of a translational project called PRUSEARCH.

Dr. Gonzalo Abellán Sáez from the Chair of Organic Chemistry II has been awarded one of the coveted ERC Starting Grants worth 1.5 million euros for research into two-dimensional materials.

Chemists at FAU have developed a process which can be used to significantly boost the performance of solar cells. Thanks to a process called singlet fission, researchers were able to double the number of electrons excited by incoming photons.

More and more elderly people are suffering from malnutrition. People who are unmarried, separated or divorced are most often affected. Those who have difficulty walking or coping with stairs or who have just returned home from hospital are also more likely to suffer from malnutrition than others of the same age.

Although the symptoms of the fatal Huntington's disease typically begin at the age or 30 or even later, the mutant gene which causes the disease already starts to have an effect in childhood. This is the conclusion reached by research carried out by scientists from FAU and the Universities of Cardiff and Lund.

Melanoma and liver cancer are among the types of cancer which are most likely to be fatal in the Western world. Three research groups at FAU have now jointly discovered a mechanism which is highly significant for future treatment strategies.

Marta Caballero was born in Santiago de Chile, Chile. Until 2012, she studied Physics Engineering at the University of Santiago, Chile (Universidad de Santiago de Chile, USACH) where she specialised on environmental and air quality measurements. In March 2016, Marta Caballero was awarded a DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, German Academic Exchange Service) scholarship for doctoral research for her PhD project “Role of the clouds on the Energy Balance on the Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet” at the Institute for Geography at FAU.