
A network of very fine blood vessels that connects bone marrow directly with the blood supply of the periosteum that was previously overlooked has now been discovered by a team of scientists including members of FAU.

If weekly working hours are increased by as little as one hour, this can have a negative impact on workers. Even a slight increase such as this is enough for workers to take a poorer view of their own health and go to the doctor considerably more often.

Each year during the Dies academicus, FAU´s birthday, the most outstanding habilitations from all five faculties are appreciated with prizes. In five short interviews, we introduce this year's winners. Today: Dr. Milos Filipovic, PhD.

Thermal water that contains radon has been used for over 100 years to treat chronic degenerative, inflammatory and musculoskeletal conditions. The molecular mechanisms behind these effects are largely unexplored. The effects of a series of radon baths in patients with musculoskeletal conditions is now therefore being investigated in a new study.

Coralline red algae have existed for 130 million years. At least this was the established view of palaeontologists all over the world until now. However, this classification will now have to be revised after fossils discovered by researchers at FAU prove that coralline red algae existed as far back as 430 million years ago.

If you compare historical photos of glaciers with those taken more recently, you can see that where there was formerly ice there is now very often nothing but rock. Geographers, however, are less interested in the area covered by a glacier, and more interested in its mass. Researchers from FAU have now investigated all glacial areas in South America in more detail than ever before.

Transistors are needed wherever current flows, and they are an indispensable component of virtually all electronic switches. Researchers at FAU have developed a simple yet accurate method for finding defects in the latest generation of silicon carbide transistors.

The smallest building blocks within the power stations of organisms which get their energy directly from the sun are basically miniature reactors surrounded by collectors which capture photons and forward them to the centre. The close correlation between structure and interaction of the components boosts productivity, a strategy which an international team of researchers is using for increasing the efficiency of solar technology.

Each year during the Dies academicus, FAU´s birthday, the most outstanding habilitations from all five faculties are appreciated with prizes. In five short interviews, we introduce this year's winners. Today: PD Dr. Karsten Müller.