
In 2018, the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology at FAU signed a cooperation agreement with the renowned University of California in Berkeley (UCB). Two doctoral candidates from FAU are already due to spend three months in California this autumn. The first two doctoral candidates from California are also due to visit Erlangen this year.

Mental strain at work, while studying or at home has increased in recent years. It can make itself apparent in anxiety or a tendency towards depression and has a negative impact on the lives of those affected. The Chair of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy at FAU is involved in three international research projects aimed at providing online training options for those affected by mental health issues, among others.

Amir-Abbas Yousefi Amin does his PhD at FAU´s Chair of Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology. Together with other researchers, Mr. Amin developed the next generation of infrared sensors, which are fabricated by using printing technologies. Mr. Amin and his team now had a special honor: As one of only three teams, they were invited to present a prototype of their sensors at the renowned LOPEC trade fair and congress in Munich.

In 2012, Universitätsklinikum Erlangen was the first hospital in Middle Franconia to use a robot-assisted surgical system. The hospital has now invested over 2.4 million euros in a new da Vinci Xi to enable it to increase the precision of surgical procedures in the future with the latest generation of the robot-assisted surgical system.

In future, it could be possible to remove oil spills on the surface of the ocean by using magnets. Researchers at FAU have developed particles from functionalised iron oxide that attract hydrocarbons. The magnetic particles and their shells can be removed in an environmentally-friendly manner from water.

How can digitalisation help to improve the efficiency of the electricity grid, whilst making it more stable at the same time? These are the questions being considered by ‘InnoSys 2030’, a joint project involving FAU funded with approximately 10 million euros by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.

Research network searching for minute tumour markers in the bloodstream, in order to detect cancer earlier – a total of 1.3 million euros awarded in BMBF funding.