
Around 60 to 90 percent of all adults carry the human cytomegalovirus, or human betaherpesvirus 5. Teams of researchers have now discovered how the virus’ genome manages to reproduce in human cells and why it is not stopped by the body’s immune system.

Just under five years ago, an international team led by FAU undertook to significantly increase the yield of the tropical cassava plant. The researchers in the ‘Cassava Source-Sink’ project are supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Recently, the Foundation has decided to provide a further 15 million dollars in funding for the researchers’ work over the next five years.

FAU is a flourishing site where significant breakthroughs in AI, machine learning and pattern recognition are achieved. It is no wonder that our scientists represented FAU at Digital Summit 2018 organized by the German government. Among other things, our researchers had a booth on their pioneering AI research in the health segment.

Researchers at FAU have evaluated the [U25] online suicide prevention programme offered by the Caritas Association and can now provide some interim results.

Led by astronomers from FAU, an international consortium has recently discovered a new high-velocity star. These are stars which move at great speed through the Milky Way, sometimes travelling so fast that they may eventually leave our galaxy.

Laser physicist Dr. Michael Krüger has been awarded the prestigious Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) He is now researching and teaching at Technion in Haifa, Israel but FAU’s Institute of Laser Physics was instrumental in the successful grant application while Krüger was at the University.

Facebook and Instagram are known to cause stress in users, known as technostress from social media. However, when faced with such stress, instead of switching off or using them less, people are moving from one aspect of the social media platforms to another – escaping the causes of their stress without leaving the medium on which it originated.