
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved three new Collaborative Research Centres/Transregios (CRC/TRR) at FAU. The topics are quantum cooperation, research into metastases formation and new catalysts.

Covid-19 does not only spread via the respiratory tract, it can also affect other organs. Often, the gastrointestinal tract is affected. A team led by Prof. Dr. Christoph Becker and a team from the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin have discovered that there is a particularly high density of coronavirus docking sites in the gut epithelium.

Prof. Dr. Christian Bogdan und Prof. Dr. Klaus Überla are members of the Standing Committee on Vaccination at the Robert Koch Institute. In their position as members of the STIKO, the two researchers from Erlangen are involved in drawing up a Covid-19 vaccination strategy for Germany. It may even be finalised this year.

Babies are capable of moving extremely quickly. This is crucial to the development of the human nervous system. An international team of researchers involving FAU has now developed a method which can be used to quantitatively assess these movements at the level of the individual neurons. In future, this method could be used to detect disorders in the development of motor skills at an early stage.

Palaeontologists at FAU and the University of Calgary in Canada have provided new proof of parallel evolution: conodonts, early vertebrates from the Permian period, adapted to new habitats in almost identical ways despite living in different geographical regions. The researchers were able to prove that this was the case using fossil teeth found in different geographical locations.

The vision of the future of miniaturisation has produced a series of synthetic molecular motors that are driven by a range of energy sources and can carry out various movements. A research group at FAU has now managed to control a catalysis reaction using a light-controlled motor. 

For many students this winter semester is the second semester they have spent studying during the coronavirus pandemic, with virtually all teaching being offered remotely. They often suffer from a lack of motivation when studying from home and there is a lack of structure in their day to day lives. In a study, researchers at FAU have now discovered that mentoring programmes can reduce these problems and help students become more successful during an online semester.

A research team at FAU and Universitätsklinikum Erlangen have unlocked a mechanism in which liver cancer cells take a substance formed by benign liver cells and use it for their malignant growth. The Walter-Siegenthaler-Gesellschafft für Fortschritte in der Inneren Medizin has awarded the lead author of the study Dr. Peter Dietrich with their Science Award 2020 in recognition of this work.