
A triangular structure in the largest satellite galaxy surrounding the Milky Way has left astrophysicists around the world puzzled due to its unusually energetic X-ray emissions. FAU researchers have now investigated this phenomenon using the ESA XMM-Newton X-ray observatory and can reveal that it is caused by the collision of two gas clouds, which will most likely cause a new star-forming region.

You need soap to remove dirt from your skin. The surfactant molecules it contains squeeze their way into the surface area between the dirt and the skin and help to dissolve the dirt in water. Researchers at FAU and Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (HHU) have observed the same phenomenon with rotating microrobots.

People with sensitive teeth are all too familiar with the painful sensation they experience as soon as they start eating ice cream. The cold thermoreceptor TRPC5 is responsible for sensitivity to cold temperatures in teeth. This is what an international team of researchers led by Prof. Dr. Katharina Zimmerman has now discovered.

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding two new research groups at FAU – one in astrophysics and another in photonics. The DFG is setting up a total of nine research groups and one clinical research group that are set to receive a total of around 41 million euros in funding.

Fighting cancer without damaging healthy cells is the aim of the search for new treatments for cancer. An international team of researchers at FAU has now developed prodrugs that inhibit the growth of cancer cells and do not affect healthy cells.

An international team of researchers has now demonstrated for the first time that high-energy cosmic rays are formed in the area surrounding massive stars. Their observations provide new insights into how cosmic rays are formed and develop. The results of this research, in which an astrophysicist from FAU was involved, have now been published in the renowned journal Nature Astronomy.

An international research project is to investigate new approaches to preventing undernutrition in the elderly. Nutritionist Prof. Dr. Dorothee Volkert will coordinate the multidisciplinary consortium of eight institutions from six European countries.

Chemists all over the world are constantly searching for simple ways to make elemental nitrogen or N2 in the air available for chemical reactions. This is no easy task, as nitrogen is a particularly non-reactive gas with a triple bond, which is one of the strongest known chemical bonds. A research t...

Academic freedom is a universal right and fundamental for high-quality higher education, innovation and social progress. However, nearly 80 percent of the world’s population lives in countries where academic freedom is subject to restrictions. Germany is in a very good position compared to the rest of the world. This is the conclusion reached by the Academic Freedom Index 2020.