
A team of researchers at FAU has produced molecular cages which can be decomposed in a controlled manner. This might make it possible to administer medicines through the skin which come into effect once they are inside the body.

In the new Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 1181 'Schaltstellen zur Auflösung von Entzündung' (switching points for resolving inflammation) researchers from various areas of medicine and biology are investigating the basic mechanisms underlying the resolution of inflammatory responses.

In their research project 'Athanasius Werke' (Athanasius's works) theologists at FAU are investigating a turning point in church history: the controversy surrounding the proper understanding of the Trinity.

Almost half of the German population is overweight and at risk of developing diabetes or joint disorders such as rheumatism and osteoarthritis. A national project being led by FAU aims to investigate what causes and is related to these highly prevalent diseases.

At the end of the Cretaceous, 66 million years ago, a large meteorite impact event caused the most recent of five mass extinction events in the Earth's history. Palaeontologists from the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin and from FAU have now carried out a detailed investigation of the ecological shifts in the oceans for the first time.

Chemists and physicists at FAU are investigating singlet fission, a process in which one photon excites two electrons

For many of us, once we open a packet of crisps there is no stopping us – we keep eating until it is empty. Food chemists at FAU have now discovered a possible explanation for why some types of food are more tempting than others.

A chain of extinct volcanoes stretches across the Pacific from Hawaii to Kamchatka, suddenly changing direction in the middle. The explanation for this lies in large-scale tectonic changes which took place around 50 million years ago.

Vitamin D has long been known to help fight infections. Researchers have now shown how vitamin D could improve treatment for patients with lymphoma.