
We are already feeling the impact of climate change across the globe. But what specific consequences can we actually expect? Where are we particularly vulnerable and what are our options for creating a sustainable future? This is the focus of the World Climate Report. One of the authors is from FAU: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kießling is the Chair of Palaeoenvironmental Research at Geozentrum Nordbayern.

FAU is one of the first universities in Germany to sign the ‘San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment’ (DORA), which promotes fair, transparent and quality-based criteria in assessing academic research.

The idea of treating certain conditions with electrical currents is not new. However, the results that can be achieved by combining physical and medical expertise with modern medical engineering are impressive. You only have to look at the research carried out by Dr. Andreas Rowald and his team at the Chair of Digital Health at FAU. They are developing personalised treatments and ways to make living with their condition easier for patients with neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, stroke-induced damage or spinal cord injuries.

Manufacturing extremely thin solar cells using sustainable materials and a 3D printer accurate down to the nanometre: that is the focus of research currently being carried out by Prof. Dr. Julien Bachmann, Chair ‘Chemistry of Thin Film Materials’ at FAU. He has now received an ERC Proof of Concept grant for his project. ERC Proof of Concept grants are awarded to researchers who have already received an ERC grant and are now at the stage of exploring potential economic or social benefits of their findings in practice.

Sina Martin is carrying out research at the Institute for Factory Automation and Production Systems (FAPS) into developing iris implants made of smart materials that work in a similar fashion to their natural counterpart in our eyes.

Glaciers are often an accurate indicator for climate change. Whilst it is comparatively easy to measure and quantify changes in regions such as the Alps, there is often only very little information available for the majority of the 215,000 glaciers worldwide. A new doctorate programme hopes to obtain more comprehensive and accurate data.

Fighting obesity with the cold: Experienced Humboldt fellow Dr. Mahendra Bishnoi is researching a pharmacological possibility at FAU to literally "melt" brown adipose tissue, which plays an important role in overweight and obesity, by means of a cold stimulus. Find out what else moves the passionate football fan in the interview.

Just one year after the Bavarian state government issued its declaration of intent, the founding document was signed ceremonially at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities to mark the formal establishment of the Munich Quantum Valley as a registered association. Supplementing the funding of...

From 1 February, Prof. Dr. Andreas Hirsch will become the new Vice President People at FAU. A vast majority of the University Council voted for the 61 year old chemist in a postal ballot. Hirsch will succeed the medical expert Prof. Dr. Friedrich Paulsen.