
FAU is one of seven universities in Bavaria set to receive funding of around 144,000 euros from the High-Tech Agenda Bavaria. The funding will be used to develop experimental and practical courses. In these courses, students will learn, for example how to understand encryption protocols or teach quantum technology in schools using virtual reality glasses.

Materials science and engineering at FAU is once more ranked among the top 100 in the world in 2022 according to the latest QS World University Subject Ranking. Overall FAU is rated as one of the top 250 universities worldwide for six subjects.

The messenger substance interleukin 3 produced by the body has been considered up to now as pro-inflammatory in bronchial asthma. A research team from Universitätsklinikum Erlangen has now shown for the first time that the administration of interleukin-3, or IL-3 for short, can have a positive effect on chronic inflammatory respiratory disease.

Human health and well-being are highly dependent on the “health” of nature. Studies show that being in direct contact with natural environments has direct positive effects on well-being, health and socio-cognitive abilities.

Keep a lookout for the tram sporting the new FAU design in Nuremberg from Saturday, April 2. “We at FAU want to increase our exposure in Nuremberg and remind people every day of the cutting-edge university that has been at home in their city for years now.”

Cooperation between FAU and FCN FAU and FCN launch a new cooperation offering a cooperative degree program for four students, practical seminars, placements and positions for student trainees as well as designing a sustainability concept for the Club.

FAU stands with Ukraine The war in Ukraine has shaken Europe to its core. We the FAU family would like to show our solidarity with Ukraine and reach out to offer our support for all those affected: Ukrainian students, researchers, lecturers and members of staff at our partner organisations in Ukrai...

More than 6 million euros in funding for research into the air in classrooms: researchers hope to identify pollutants that may trigger asthma in children.