
Emperor penguins are an endangered species. Scientists are protecting the largest of all penguins by monitoring their numbers precisely and investigating which factors affect their population. A team led by researchers at FAU has now developed a reliable method that can predict the number of breeding pairs and chicks and serve as an early warning system for climate change in the Antarctic Ocean.

When fighting infections or tumors, entire armies of immune cells must coordinate their behavior. Researchers at FAU will investigate which immune processes play a role in this over the next three years. The researchers will also use machine learning algorithms. The Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation supports the project through its Rise Up! program with funding of almost €500,000.

FAU alumna Dr. Chiara Seidl received her doctorate in art history from FAU and now advises private art collectors in New York on setting up and expanding their art collections. In the latest issue of FAU Alumni #JobInsights, Dr. Seidl provides insights into her job and reveals why networks and as much professional experience as possible are so important.

Why facing up to antisemitic hate is more important than ever, and why empathy does not have to be exclusive. An interview with FAU Professor Heiner Bielefeldt, Chair of Human Rights and Human Rights Policy at the Institute of Political Science.

FAU alumnus Philipp Selzle is co-founder and managing director of the vegan restaurant chain “Kaspar Schmauser”. In the latest issue of the video interview series FAU Alumni #MyStory, the founder explains how he managed to keep up with the competition on the food market and why he is so happy to be returning to FAU.

Sebastian Teichert and his colleagues have monitored the growth of rhodoliths very closely. In the process, they discovered which impact climate change has on their development.

Providing offenders dependent on heroin with substitution treatment has a positive effect on their life behind bars and after release from prison. This is the conclusion after the long-term study of a team of FAU researchers, a worldwide first of its kind.

Who undertakes voluntary work aimed at encouraging the integration of migrants in rural areas? What contribution do the migrants themselves make towards a lively volunteering culture in rural areas? Geographers at FAU investigate how volunteering can contribute to successful integration in rural areas.

Spinal muscular atrophy describes a disease in which a genetic mutation causes certain nerves responsible for sending signals to muscles to degenerate. Genetic treatments have only been available for a few years, and can now be complemented by a procedure using short laser pulses that was developed at Uniklinikum Erlangen.